Presidential Primary [December 2013]

Day 2,202, 19:16 Published in South Africa South Africa by Marmaduke IV

Your Vice President is here to bring good news and tidings! Or is it good tidings and news? I guess that's for you to decide.

As of the end of November, the Lazokrat's remain a threat. At the end of the night on congressional election day, it seemed that we were unsuccessful in our ATO against the Lazokrat PTO. An oversight by the now resigned Minister of Security, Ejdatful, allowed the Lazokrats to knock the People's Front out of the top-5 parties, invalidating all of their candidates (including myself). But by the time the sun rose above the Cape, over 30 Lazokrat multis had been banned and their votes removed from the election.

During the election, an emergency proposal was initiated by myself to send 150k ZAR from the treasury to the Reserve Bank, in the event that we lost majority of congress. The vote passed and our currency is safe, for the time being.

An issue regarding a shared IP address lead to the mistaken temp-banning of the Commander of eSA's Armed Forces and former President, Miyagiyoda which has since been resolved and the ban reversed. Proving that people that are wrongly banned are (eventually) unabnned and those guilty of their crimes stay banned.

Earlier today, the Lazokrat Insurgency accounced they were starting a Military Unit aimed at division 2 and 3, a notorious weakness for the Lazokrat MU. I encourage all citizens, no matter your division, to join the only official country Military Unit, the eSAAF.

Contact Miyagiyoda if you have any questions.


The following candidates have been registered so far:

UrosDjeneral - Congressman

henock haukongo - Minister of Information

Tenshibo - Citizen of eRepublik

Marmaduke IV - Vice President

You may have noticed my name in that list of candidates. I am, in fact, running for president. I hope to bring activity and unity to this country through better use of existing programs, better communication between citizens and government, and an active and effective cabinet.

Anyone with any questions about me and my candidacy, feel free to PM me or post below in the comments.

Marmaduke IV
Vice President, eSouth Africa