Presidential MonkeyBusiness, Day 1553

Day 1,553, 13:07 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q
Article music? How about Board of Canada's Everything You Do is a Balloon?

So it's been a bit too long since I've published an article 🙁 On the bright side, I'm done yet another midterm, and I didn't waste too much money at the bar drinking my sorrows away afterwards 😉 Anyway, back into the routine of things.

A Pardon for Rolo

Congress is currently voting on whether or not to pardon Rolo Tahmasee for his crimes. Why? Because they have no idea what else to do. It is their hope that if Rolo was welcomed back into the community, he will stop all of his vote-buying, PTO'ing, and "terrorising".

Personally, I don't see why he would stop. Rolo has time and again shown disregard for the community, so I'm not sure why he would care about being reintegrated. Even if he was, it's not like much will change; everyone will still see him as they always have. But Rolo probably doesn't even care what others think of him. His enjoyment in this game is from playing the "bad guy", as he has said himself.

Rolo is good at playing the "bad guy", too. Well, maybe just that eCanada is terrible at counter-acting him, but nonetheless, he's able to cause the havoc he wants. What I don't understand is why he would give up his position as "eCanada's terrorist". It's what is fun for him. But alas, I'm not Rolo, so I don't actually know if I'm near his thought-process or not. Maybe he does have that deep-desire to be loved by the community.

But that's just me. It is Congress that has the say of whether or not he should be pardoned. I will not interfere with whatever decision they make, as is my opinion, it is Congress that is best suited for the bulk of domestic issues in eCanada, such as this one.

Operation UK

Things are going well when it comes to our war with the UK. The goal is of course to keep them wiped for another Congress election, and we are on course to do that. It is expected that they'll make a push to get a Congress, so save up your bazookas and keep an eye on our battles over the next week or so.

Ministry of Trolling

My devious plan has succeeded, and I am now looking for people who believe that they are good trolls to do some trolling. I can't explain much, as I don't want to give it away. So if you're a well-spoken, articulate troll, please message me for some fun.

Presidential Scenario #3

"It is becoming abundantly clear that being CP is not as easy as it looks." - Addy Lawrence

A fitting quote that was left on one of the VPs' scenario #2 articles. The time commitment needed to be a President is one of the most important things, and it seems that it's taking it's toll on our participants. Ultimate523 has dropped out of the scenarios, as he has become busier with other things lately. JohnSmith 2k9 was quite last in submitting his, and Andrew McKenzie Caine, well.. I just never received their action plans for scenario #3, so he'll be counted out for this one.

Scenario #3

It's a little ironic, really, when you see what scenario #3 is:

"You are half-way through your term as President, when a sickness in the family occurs and prevents you from being able to perform your duty for an entire week. You have one day before you need to leave. What would you do to prepare your Cabinet, Congress, and/or the citizens for your sudden departure? How would you ensure this creates the least amount of problems for eCanada as possible?

To make things more interesting, let's say that eCanada is occupying part of the eUK with eIreland and eFrance, just as we are actually doing now."


An absent President is not a good President. Yet the time commitment needed can take a heavy toll on us as well. A President needs a plan for what will happen if they need to take leave for awhile, or if they just need a bit of a break. This scenario requires the participants to think of back-ups plans for what needs to happen if they can't continue as President.

When the participants get around to publishing their plans, I will link to them here.

Gary Hubert: Published here.
George Beeman: Published here.
JohnSmith 2k9: Published here.
Andrew McKenzie Caine: Was not submitted.

Remember, at the end of this week, one of these participants will "take over" as Country President, depending on the feedback from both the public and my own Cabinet. So, for the good of the nation, be critical, be constructive, make sure they know when their ideas are bad, but also when they're good. Even if you don't have a comment, feel free to give them some sort of score on how you think they handled the scenario.

Annnd I believe that's it. As always, if there's anything you'd like me to talk about in my next article, please make a suggestion in the comments.

Stay tuned for more articles by subscribing to my newspaper, and help others to see this as well by voting it up and shouting it as well.

Thank you for reading!

President of eCanada.

Monday, February 20th, 2012. Day 1553.