Day 2,699, 09:07 Published in Israel Israel by Rufus1988

Shalom Israel,

Let's talk about economy. There are those who say we should follow other countries, with other economic patterns. I -as a reformer- have to say, following someone blindly is irresponsible.

Who believes, we are not enough smart to lead our country in it's own way, and find the own unique solutions, well he is absolutely wrong.

Our unique solution is the ISRAEL WORKS. It is based on the opinion of e-economists, and statistical details. We used the National Census, and the market details to work out this new economy program.

The majority of our active population (56,76😵 work somewhere else. They do not increase the productivity, so at home there is not enough domestic products therefore we have to buy imports. Our money flows out of the country because our workers do not work at home country.

On the other hand our entrepreneurs are about to lose against the foreign companies due to the low level of bonuses, and our economic operators are unprotected, so they are unable to create new jobs.

If we remain idle, our country remain vulnerable, and maybe a year later we will talk about the same problems.

It is the time for action.

The weapon industry is not profitable without subsidy. The food industry can be profitable without any governmental support.

So the weapon sector requires change, therefore we will propose a tax modification to equalize the competition, and help to the producers create new jobs.

That acceptable import tariffs which solve our problem is about 10%, with this level, the foreign producers with higher bonuses, and our domestic entrepreneurs can produce for the same prices.

There at least 40 Israeli workers who works somewhere else. We invite them back to work. I establish the ISRAEL WORKS FUND, to support those who give them work.

In financial aspects we will support the weapon sectors Q6-Q7 factories, reducing their losses.

What does it mean? 40 new jobs mean 40 workers x 14 weapon x 30 day = 16 800 weapon / month, or 40 workers x 160 food x 30 day = 192 000 food / month or 1 920 000 energy. It is a huge number, so not only the domestic demand can be satisfied, our producers can sell their products on foreign market.

The trade Negotiations will already be started tomorrow, so our economic relations will be strengthened by our allies. Mutually beneficial economic agreements can boost the domestic economy.

So the ISRAEL WORKS works.

Next week, we will post the conditions about how to participate in the Israel Works program. And of course we will call home our citizens to work, and be part of building our common future.

President of Israel