Presidential Farewell

Day 1,232, 16:40 Published in USA USA by Glove

Good evening my fellow Americans,

We've been together for a month now, and it is time for me to go. But first and foremost, I want to express my gratitude and thanks for each and every American for giving me the opportunity to serve as your president. It’s hard to overstate my satisfaction. It's been an honor to be your President. It's been quite a journey this month, and we held together through some stormy seas. And at the end, together, we will reach our destination. By tomorrow, I shall lay down the responsibilities of this office and become a private citizen once more. Many of you were overjoyed after the last election, and many of you were terrified, no one knew what to expect, but I hope I made the game an enjoyable experience for everyone. From teaming up with China to fight an ancient rival, to liberating our regions from Poland, and to entering a war with Spain that will surely be a decisive one, I thank you all for joining the struggle: the struggle to end our Great Depression and awaken.

I believe given the hand I was dealt with, we have made great strives in the right direction. We are no longer the nation that sat idly by as its allies were in peril, we are no longer the nation that placed its own selfish interests above the greater good of others. No, we have changed. To strive for less would be unworthy of us. To those who think we should revert to our old ways I have this to say: You're not your job. You're not how much gold you have hoarded. You're not the avatar you wear. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your name. You're not your problems. You're not your age. You are not your hopes. You're not the freaking pixels on the screen. You and I are the same as the guy who signed up today, nothing less, nothing more.

No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide is what we need now. You are not a congressman. You are not a soldier. You are not these things and many more. You are a human. The floundering of titles and positions, these are just to dismay and blind us from what really matters. These positions and occupancies, while they may seem to be helpful, truly only serve to stroke one’s ego. You are all the president and have as strong a voice as any other. Never let anyone tell you otherwise.

ONE has been making many advances militarily, and unless we finally face the situation before us and put aside petty bickering, we will fall. It will take many sacrifices, hardships, and a long, long war. Now more than ever is a time to unite. We are just entering the storm, but this is not a normal storm, we have not experienced one such as this in a long time. We have to brave it. The wind is blowing hard. This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. You can sit here, ignore everything and hope someone will face this challenge, or you can write history and be remembered. Nay, do not only write history, make history. This world is what you make of it.

I’ve met some very interesting and hardworking people this month. I have kept an open-mind, even going as far as appointing political rivals to key posts. Why you may ask? Simple, we should all be focused on the threat before us, not strangling each other. But if you must, do what must be done, but do it quickly and flawlessly. You have all surpassed many of my expectations, and I would like to list all of you to express my gratitude, but I fear I may omit some by accident, so I will just say this: Thank you.

My last bit of advice: think of the big picture. Long term. The world is always in motion, it is always fluid. The people you’ve fought for years are now your best friend. One of our best friends is now our worst enemy. They always told me this game is cyclical, but now more than ever is a time to prove them wrong. Live for the moment, but consider the implications of your actions. There is always more than one choice, choose wisely. I have faith in Emerick and all of you. I wish you all the best.

President Glove
Glove is Love
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