Presidential Election Day Coverage for Oct. 5, 2009

Day 685, 07:47 Published in USA USA by Astra Kat G

It's my birthday, it's my birthday, it's my birthday!! Seriously. Wish me a happy birthday?

Happy Astra Kat G's Birthday, everyone! Wait, what? That's not a national holiday (yet)? Everyone's taking off from work and wearing patriotic colors cos it's Presidential Election Day? That sample ballot wasn't an early birthday present?

Well, good.

Cos it was kind of a sucky present, if you ask me. Still, there are many time-honored ways to make the best of a friend's cheap-ass gift.



Paper Airplane:

Art, Tic-Tac-Toe, Spitballs, Crumpling it into a Ball and Launching it at Someone's Head then Pretending You Didn't Do Anything... And, of course, as lining for a litter box.

But, in any case, Election Day is once more upon us and we've got a choice: Gaius Julius or Woxan. If you'd like to see more information on our candidates (interviews, official positions in the issues, and more), check out this article.

General Voting Information - How to Vote

1. You must be at least "this tall" to vote: Level 6.
2. Go to Community -> Elections. This page only works on Election Day, but is used for all elections, whether they be Country President, Party President, or Senator.
3-A. You must have citizenship in the appropriate country and region: If you're staying home, no problem. If you've done some flying around before or on Election Day, it gets a little more complicated.
3-B. More complicated how, you ask? According to the Citizenship Wiki page, it's like this:

Q. How does this affect voting? Will I be able to vote for congress while living in another country?
A. Yes, you will be able to vote in the country you hold citizenship. For congressional elections, you will vote in the last region where you lived.

Country Presidential Election Results are:

1. Gaius Julius - 2661 - 62.92%

2. Woxan - 1265 - 29.91%

3. Rusty_Shackleford - 144 - 3.41%

4. Don Keedick - 98 - 2.32%

5. Enderlm - 61 - 1.44%

Total Votes: 4229

Happy Bithday to me and Happy Voting to you, America,
~ Katherine "Astra" Gallagher