Presidential Candidate

Day 1,743, 19:39 Published in USA USA by Joe B Nixon

Dear America,

I'm Joe B. Nixon and I am a candidate for president of the united states. We will introduce our budget and our proposal if we are elected.

Our budget :

I. State
Line G1. Executive Fund 500 Gold
II. Treasury
Line G2. Reserve

II. Military
Line U1. eUS Military (47.63😵 $250,000.00
Line U2. OMS (6.66😵 $35,000.00
III. Interior
Line U3. Dept. of Int. (8.57😵 $45,000.00
Line U4. McF H/DS (8.57😵 $45,000.00
III. Congressional Discretionary Fund
Line U5. Arm America (5.71😵 $30,000.00
IV. Treasury
Line U6. Reserve (22.86😵 $120,000.00

TOTAL $525,000.00

Our Propositions :

1. Rejuvenate our party implementing recruiters in order to recruit new members who can help us have a better country.There will be recruiters within the party.

2. Dismiss the President of our party for his lack of judgment and lack of experience. A vote in the party will decide the new president.

3. Establish a commited immigration in order to facilitate immigration to the United States in addition to establishing criteria fixed in the immigration process. This commitee of heigh members will be proposed in Congress.

4. I will implement a cabinet advisor to help me as a future president of the united states in the choice of decisions to make. The members of this firm are suggested to Congress.

5. I'll give a weapon to all citizens on the first day of my term as a gift.

6. Additions will be made ​​to the U.S. Constitution with a view to improving the conditions of American

7. The minimum wage will increase from one dollar to five dollars the first week of my mendat to ease the lives of American

8. An immigration policy will be added to the constitution seen more quickly accept new arrivant.Nous establish specific criteria with a committee charge of immigration. The members of this commitee will be proposed at the conference. The commitee will have eight members who shall establish criteria for immigration and thus gradually begin to accept the application taking too long to be accepted.

9. Considerable sums are invested in food and in the production of weapon to further stimulate the U.S. economy.

10. The export tax will be reduced considerably to ease international trade.

11. Our support will be provided to the U.S. Army for thirty days notrs elections.

Thank you for your support.
Contact me for suggestions or comments.

Joe B. Nixon
Presidential Candidate
We the people Party