Presidential Candidacy

Day 1,163, 04:40 Published in Japan Japan by Alfred Ball

Greetings Japan,

It has been quite a long time since I've wrote any serious article or addressed the people of Japan, today I would like to talk to you about our future in the world and my bid to be your president. It is no secret that we have joined into the newly founded alliance PANAM. I have been a very active representative of Japan for PANAM when KITA is not available. With the drastically changing foreign political landscape I can assure you exciting times are ahead of us all. I know that I am best equipped to lead us through this new and exciting era.

I believe Japan has sat dormant for far to long, as MoD for 3 months I helped rebuild our military from the devastation that was brought on by eRepublik Rising. If I am elected I promise to weigh every option to increase general activity in all areas, including direct military action.

As a former cabinet member in all presidents dating back to exReality, I know I am highly qualified to make all the decisions required to keep us out of harms way. With this I can also say that I am not afraid to make unpopular decisions that will be for the better of our community.

I have been your dedicated Minister of Foreign Affairs for 4 months. I am confident in my abilities as a long time diplomatic member of your country to make new friends and strengthen ties with old ones. With the world changing very drastically it will be my job to stay on top of all these changes, and work with the rapidly changing eWorld.

In the coming days leading up to the elections you will see more clearly where I stand on all issues that are directly relating to our country. I wish to serve, and I hope you will accept me. Thanks for reading as always, and good luck to all upcoming candidates, and congratulations new members of the imperial diet.

As a side note I am looking for new blood to help with ministries, I would like a PM from any citizen to help us fill any positions you may be interested in, please PM me!

Alfred Ball, Current Minister of Defense and Congressmen