Presidential Address

Day 686, 03:43 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Eleriel

Good Morning eSwitzerland !

This article might be slightly lengthy, but bear with me and try to read all the way through 🙂

First of all, let me confirm that the PTO attempt was dealt with. The Hungarians were extremely helpful in contacting NOxx, as well as convincing him to leave, which means that the election was a safe one!

Now, let me address a few other points, several of which are important:

We have acquired a Q4 Hospital. Not as good as a Q5 I’m afraid, but better than no hospital. In direct correlation to this, it looks like we’ll be participating in the Czech/Slovak Training War. You will also find at the bottom of this article a quick guide on how to fight, given we only have a Q4.

Also linked to the fact that we are now going to have a Training War we are also going to organize an army. I therefore ask anyone interested in joining the army to fill out this form:
We will then contact you with instructions on what to do 🙂

On another note, we now have brand new forums to coincide with our elections, I ask all of you to register on these forums, as the old one will not be in use anymore. Our forums are here:

Also, our official IRC is #eSwitzerland on, if you want to come talk, feel free 🙂 We tend to speak French a bit, but we all speak English, so don’t hesitate to make yourself be heard!

Otherwise, I hear a lot of talk about trying to make a Baby Boom. Very bad idea. At least for now. We don’t have the infrastructure or the companies to accommodate a baby boom, so I ask that to try to delay that 🙂 Also, a baby boom will be more effective with our other regions, and I have already contacted the Hungarians to continue negociations.

On the other hand, we need to get as many existing players as possible in eSwitzerland. This will create a larger workforce, and help in healing the economy. Also try to make your IG friends come, it can be a nice addition to our community.

Now, the how to fight mini guide.

We have a Q4 hospital. This means that when you heal, it gives back 40 wellness. You can heal 1 time every day, and only after you fight.

From there on, 2 possibilities:

1) You already have high wellness, you fight 4 times and heal.

2) You have lower wellness. Fight only 1 time and then heal for 30 wellness boost.
Its as easy as that 😃.

Eleriel, President of eSwitzerland