Presidential Address

Day 663, 11:56 Published in USA USA by Gaius Julius
The strength of the United States is not the gold at Fort Knox or the weapons of mass destruction that we have, but the sum total of the education and the character of our people.
~Claiborne Pell~

My fellow Citizens,

Friday was in my opinion the saddest day in eUS history. It was with a solemn heart that Vice President Jewitt announced that President Emerick could not continue his duties as President. It is with this very serious occurrence that I humbly accept the role put upon me. I do not take this position with a joyous state of mind, but rather a very somber one in the realization of who came before me and what I must live up to.

Our nation is entrenched in a war that has plagued us for 2+ months. Our enemies are cruel and wicked and will stop at nothing to oppress us and bring havoc upon us. However I believe that each day our enemies become increasingly desperate and enraged at the stubbornness and resiliency of our united front. It is with this resiliency that we will persevere and succeed against our foes. With our allies by our side there is no doubt in my mind that we will win. It is not a matter of if, but when.

However once again our enemy presses forward, Russia has started a march towards Florida. This most certainly means they plan to attack in a last bid to crush resistance in these United States. I see this as nothing more than a desperate gamble. Our enemies would shell out over 2000 gold and take down a wall numbering in the millions just for a last bid to symbolically defeat us. What they do not realize is that they are sowing their own seeds of their defeat. Look at what happened to France when they conquered Spain, or the UK when they thought they could hold Canadian regions. The most important thing is that you remain hopeful and vigilant. These can be difficult things to do when it seems our back against the wall. Dark days are ahead, but we can make it through them united and ready for the trials that remain.

Many of us want this war to end. Former President Emerick tried countless times to solve issues, with our belligerent foes, in a calm diplomatic manner. However it seems they are hell bent on destroying us. As I said above they will not succeed. We have shown that even when we are whittled down to one state we can come back. With that in mind I plan to do my best to return this country to its full size, rebuild and re-establish ourselves in the eWorld.

On a final note I think I have some thank you's to make.
First off thank you to the the US citizens for remaining calm and collected during this transition period. In these tough times it is comforting to see our people continue to fight on no matter what happens.
Thank you to our Allies who continue to fight for us and with us every step of the way. I can truly say that you are the noblest and truest of friends and we owe much of our continued existence to your sacrifices.
Finally a thank you to our military. You have been the most steadfast throughout this conflict and have never given up no matter what the odds are. A special thanks from me to the military leaders for bringing me up to speed so quickly and being awesome.

Hey we won in Croatia!!!

p.s. The Cabinet will be released in the White House Briefing