Presidential Address

Day 1,270, 23:00 Published in Japan Japan by exReality

The first week has gone by and things seem to be settling down. It was a much rougher transition into office than expected. Nowe and FruitCommando (former cabinet members) are no longer a part of the administration. Nowe will no longer be taking the role of Ministry of Culture and History. Fruitcommando resigned his role as Minister of Internal Affairs due to future RL events that will affect his activity rate. As said in the previous article, Ministry of Internal Affairs was assigned a new role of surveying citizens and it is still currently in its testing phase. Although not a completely established ministry, I deemed it an important one because it gauges the opinion of the populace.

Ministry of Culture:

I decided to take a different approach in handling the Ministry of Culture. Instead of one minister creating and running all the events, I decided to have this ministry run by various citizens who can submit their ideas and later have it run as a government-sponsored event if approved. Several citizens seemed pretty interested and had different ideas in improving this ministry and I look forward to seeing how the events will turn out. For now, I’ll be acting as the person who will be “checking” the events, until I can find a suitable group of people willing to take on this role.

The traditional Empress Day will continue to be managed by one person however. This month that one person will be Master Tigers.

Hitoshi Makoto has also proposed to me the idea of “finding the backlogs and old newspaper articles of quality, as well as other references from those times, to assemble a historical reference guide to eJapan”. I think this is a great idea and definitely worth a shot, so Hitoshi and his soon-to-be-created-team will be on the scenes, doing this work for the Ministry sometime in the future.

Luchsen has also expressed interest and will also be pming me his ideas soon.

If you have any ideas, PM me and we can work something out.

Foreign Affairs and Ambassador List:

MK has established a nice ambassador list from last term and I decided to expand that bit. I asked several native speakers who live in different countries, to help us in our attempt to establish relationship with other countries. As of now we have new ambassadors to Belgium, Germany, Poland, Brazil and Portugal. The list of countries we have sent ambassadors to, does not reflect our allies or enemies, rather it’s just a way to scout out the different domestic political situations and inform ourselves of the international workings. I will personally deal with nations whom we need to speak to.

Anyways I requested the ambassadors to release articles sometime this week or next. Hopefully, this will improve our knowledge a bit and get some of our citizens to do some good old government participation through the ambassador program. So if you want to sign up for an ambassador job, PM DanPMK.

Legislation and Economic Module

Right now in Congress, we're having an important discussion about whether to fund private military units or not fund private military units or not. This is a significant piece of legislation which will have a huge impact on Japan, so chip in your own opinions.

New economic module is finally out. At the moment, we're just analyzing the effects of it and it doesn't seem like a huge upsetting change as we thought it would be. JIA operations will continue as normal but we might be deploying much more often. Also there is some tax legislation proposed by the Minister of Finance, Danyeo, in Congress. So check that one out also while you're at it.
