Presidental News

Day 1,530, 07:34 Published in Austria Austria by A.Emmerich

Greetings eAustria’s citizens!

I would like to ask all congressmen of eAustria to halt the Kuruc Sereg citizenship giveaways. I ask Gazonkfoo our MoI to do the same. The next cabinet will have a discussion and a poll about the kuruc issue. If they give green light to them, then the Interior Ministry will create a roadmap and rules about how they can acquire eAustrian citizenship in future. At least that is my plan, as I am a CP candidate. I am a honest person so I need to say that I still see them as an extremely helpful unit for eAustria, and I am sure that weeks or months later everyone will agree with me.

Change in cabinet
There are some changes in our cabinet. Balkan Beast is not my vCP any longer. There are so big abyss between the ways we handle things in politics that we can not stay in the same boat. So, time to swim.. 😛

Country President of eAustria

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