President Glove Names Jack

Day 1,214, 14:10 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Late Breaking Edition
Day 1,214 of the New World

In response to questions about this story which appeared in 16 Shells earlier today, President Glove said that, "The government does not purchase votes...".

When asked who did purchase the votes, President Glove named "Jack" as the buyer. Could this be a secret operative known only to President Glove (who, by the way, bears a striking resemblance to a "Jack" with an infamously "raging bile duct" and who is known to show a "complete lack of surprise")?

President Glove went on to say that he would "like people to vote the Daily Orders and important updates from the Executive..."

"Jack" was unavailable for comment...

16 Shells will update you if any further information comes to light.
