President Election Norway November 2011

Day 1,443, 12:04 Published in Norway Norway by T Cherub
Hi boys and girls

This article is in two parts:
1) A summary of latest events
2) My candidacy for president in the upcoming period

A quick summary

Today we won in Trøndelag with the help from various supporters. I would like to thank all of you who played a part in our victory. The Swedes gave us a fair fight, and us winning is just good for our morale. Things like this makes the game more fun - for us and surely for the Swedes. I assume they will try to take Trøndelag back as soon as they get the NE initiative. I hope the next Swedish President will let us keep communication flowing, so we can coordinate battles in our common interest. As a sign of good faith, I would ask Sweden to attack Nord-Norge before Trøndelag, so we can move our capital south. We will get a better bonus by having our capital in one of the southern regions when/if Sweden manage to take Trøndelag back.

Lately Norway has become more and more active in regards of politics and military. Even if we're not experiencing a huge baby boom, there is a continuous growth of population. The challenge is to keep our citizens playing. Stakerauo and Che_kukaken has done a superb job in working with a food program for our new citizens. Those who wants to learn more should check out our forum (

Thank you all for working so hard to get Norway back on track!

My candidacy for President November 2011

I have decided to run for President in the upcoming period. Don't tell my wife - she will kill me. xD

I'm not going to bore you with a new presentation. All I can say is that we will keep working hard for a continued growth and strengthening of Norway.

I am glad to say that our Congress election went satisfying, even though we could have had even more Norwegians in our Congress. There will be friendly foreigners in our Congress, and there will be foreigners who spend their time in Congress without participating on our political scene (forum and IRC). So far, the rouge Congress members have accepted far more citizen requests than we hoped for. I still urge all Congress members to register at the forum and post proposals and citizen requests there. I urge all Norwegians to run for Congress, even if they feel new to the whole concept. We are here to help and guide you.

My cabinet is not completely set, but will be after the election. Who knows, I might not win. Regardless, happy voting!

Thank you for reading, and keep up the good work!

Your President,
Tommy / Cherub