Presidency: Minamoto Yoritomo

Day 615, 20:15 Published in Japan Japan by Minamoto Yoritomo

Hello honorable citizens of Japan,

Today, I finally have a reason to start my own personal newspaper and after a few suggestions from good friends, I settled on Moto Works! So here we have it.

Who is Your President?

I want to start by thanking smily132 for giving back to me the opportunity which was taken away from me some 3 days ago. I have now placed my candidature for Presidency. While some will say it's futile, I want to see if there is will enough in Japan to break free from the circle of elite acceptance that we have been experiencing for too long.

Yes, at the moment it is almost futile to have any true ambitions in Japan. But I'd more than love to see that change. I want you all to have high hopes and aspirations of your own but we are limited by the current system. We need to head in a direction which will remove these limits.

It's sad to say, but there are a current few who control everything; and while they may not have bad intentions, they are limiting you and I from empowering this country with new ideas and viewpoints. At present, you must conform and abide by the views set forth by the clique that occupy the most luxurious seats of Japan if you want a solid chance of achieving.

This is why I ask you to vote for me.

Where do I stand?

I stand for balance. Japan cannot handle extremist projects in it's current state.
Japan lacks true governance. Presidents and Cabinets at the moment leave little behind for the next generation after them. Why? Becaus it is their own personal term and they fail to think of the broader picture. I stand for development!
How long has Japan been established for? And how much have we achieved? Why not? Because we've yet to find the correct balance that will set the strong foundations of our country. Yes! We need to work from the ground up first to create something magnificant! The people that will be creating something magnificant will be you, if I'm given the chance now to create a strong working system that promotes freedom for you. I stand for you!

I stand for renewal and rebirth. To welcome people, whether they be new citizens of Japan or foreign visitors that settle here and not just 'give them a say' but 'give them power' by improving our democratic system.

I stand for inclusion. Some people may laugh and some people may frown when I say I want to expand Japans government. But stop for a moment. Think. Is including more citizens in the government a bad thing? People will probably cry "governmnet intervention!!" and things like that when I go on to talk about projects and policies. But think. What I want is to bring the people to the government. Inclusion. Involvement. Participation. I don't want to bring the government to a select few. I want our government to be US and not THEM. Can you see what I'm saying? I hope so!

What projects do you have in mind?

* Organisation and Governance
No, this is not a policy. This is a project. I plan to see it through. Currently, as I said earlier, little is left for a future generation of leaders and many things can be done in the government to benefit the citizens. Things like tax calculations, budgets and company information/lists will be commonplace in my government. We will provide for you and not just sit on our hands.

* The JIA project.
Oh how I want to see this succeed. We have the chance to act as developers for our country and not just work to the mechanics of eRepublik. Wouldn't it be nice to have an alternate path in Japan? Right now, you have business and politics. Why not military though? I know of many people that would die to have a proper military career path in Japan. And that's why I'm big on it.

* Kyushu Library
A forum based project that will promote the documentation of both historic and current events. It would also serve to be a proper place to Role Play (since I know that as well as myself, others are fond of it) and 'books' like biographies of famous Presidents can be written and stored for all to read. it would also commemorate regaining Kyushu and the Q5 hospital that would be placed there.

* Mentoring/Education
Now, KITA Ikki has already started this but I had planned to make it a department in the government for the mentors to organise. Needless to say, things like this are more than welcomed by myself and probably yourself too!

* Lottery
A weekly (or possibly bi-weekly) event that anyone can participate in. It'll probably be something like 10 JPY for a ticket but this is a project that will be discussed of course. The government will take a small percentage of the total and the rest will go to the winner. That way, someone gets a lot of money and the government gets a little income!

* Upgrading our forum
Nothing flashy- just adding convenience such as more formatting controls, the ability to embed a google form and the ability to embed MP3 feeds (upon request) for podcasts (should people warm to the idea of podcasts in our forum that is).

What are your policies?

* An almost neutral Fiscal Policy
This means that government spending and taxation will be close to equal, as I believe we already have a large reserve built up. I do not wish to take the peoples money and do nothing with it. Taking money out of an economy will only serve to weaken it. I want us to put the money we collect back into the economy to keep it healthy and to allow it to grow.

* Foreign Policy
I really want to boost Asia-Pacific relations and want to strengthen Sol. I'm intersted in finding mutual economic benefits between countries in this region too.
I'd like to work on shaping PEACE back into what it originally stood for and so I plan to try to create a voice for Japan within PEACE.
The current guidelines set forth by Oraizan for Ambassadors sums up the rest of how I feel towards other countries.

* To strengthen the bond between Japan and South Korea. Being neighbours with an intimate history together, we'll always look out for each other. Working with South Korea for them to achieve independance has never been a problem with the Japanese and I feel the same way.

* An active military
Funded. Organised. Active. It doesn't need to be complicated.

* A shield
I cannot be bought. Oppressed peoples of the New World will have my sympathy and support.

* Criticism
It's your job to criticise me! If I'm voted in, please do it so I can grow!

* Forum moderation
I don't know about you but I think the forum is starting to get messy, with multiple threads about the same topic and such. I want us to get into some certain habits. I want the forum organised. I want to the forum moderated gently.

What about the Cabinet?

Here's how my Cabinet will look in no particular order:

* 1-Minister of Foreign affairs
* 2-Minister of Health, Education and Welfare
* 3-Minister of Culture and Events
* 4-Minister of Defence
* 5-Minister of Finance and Accounts
* 6-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
* 7-Minister of Internal Affairs

It should be noted that I'd like more than one person in each Ministry (of course) and this will be up to the Minister I appoint to decided.

What each will do:

1. Self Explanatory. Will manage Ambassadors and go on foreign missions, set up conferences and so on.

2. I will require this Ministry to make reports on the health of the population so we can see what areas need to be worked on and so we can record a history of how well we're doing. it would also serve to educate citizens (new and old alike) about anything they wish to know. A Q&A section in the forum could be set up and this Ministry would monitor and control it; information they're not certain of can hopefully be obtained from other Ministries. It works in the general interest of the citizens.

3. Handles events. Lots of citizens can volunteer under this Ministry potentially, as writers or artists. Will keep track of schedules and such and be sure to publish them to the public (using NnK or otherwise).

4. JIA will come under this. The MoD will be responsible for its organisation.

5. Will look after accounts, draft budgets and keep a history of income and expenditure. Good for number crunching time.

6. Will do things like keeing track of the number of companies floating around in each sector and propose measures against unfair competition. Will also keep track of inflation and the general state of the economy. Will be able to advise citizens that seek to open up a company in Japan (or indeed export here).

7. This will be the civil administration body of the government and will also serve as the spokesperson, taking control of hte NnK and responsibilities such as forum bonus and citizen applications.

None of this is final and things may change, but that's what I have planned so far.
I hope to put names to those positions before the election so you can see who will hold which office- which I think is only fair.

What about the Children?

Hm, ok. I'll be kissing babies all this week because that's the Presidential type of thing to do! Kiss babies and people love you! It's voodoo!

Anyway, thank you for your consideration! I'm counting on you guys n gals!
I'd be honored if you voted for me.

PS. Articles will continue and hopefully debate will commence. And remember: Moto works for you.

If you'd like to help me out, then I'd ask you to paste this into any article you may produce:
Just replace ( ) brackets with [ ] brackets and you're good to go. Thanks!