Presentation + Shout Outs.

Day 1,554, 21:31 Published in Canada Canada by ReonenMiruel

Hello everyone, and welcome to the first article I am writing in eRepublik. Sadly, it is of an official nature, advertising my and my party's bids for Congress - and hence I must keep it short. I will, however, keep updating the newspaper on at least a weekly basis with the articles it is supposed to be dedicated for.

As for my Congress bid...

I do not have a grandiose presentation to give, nor do I have any fancy goals to give to anyone who would potentially vote for me - I don't even know what exactly to put on a presentation.

However, I will promise these: I will conduct my business in Congress as transparently and as honestly as I can, to always listen to my constituents, whether through the IRC or through in-game PMs. I will abide by my word wherever it may appear, and I will not swear to anyone anything which I might fail to deliver.

The party banner I am running under is the Military Dictatorship Party, and I choose to be with them due to our pronounced principles of Effective, Efficient, and Engaged government [our E^3 slogan].

I hope that, with this, I have convinced you to vote for me and my fellow MDP partners.

Now, before I leave... I will leave you with moeblob and some shoutouts.

To Stephane Booth: Thanks, once again.

To TemujinBC: You're an ass. Keep on stinkin', bro. 😉 [Requested]
