Presentation and LINKS!

Day 1,319, 14:42 Published in South Korea Romania by just-me


     ■We finally had a BABY BOOM(2200 new citizens so far-more to come i hope) and i think it's about time to introduce myself to you guys, just so you can know me better.

     ■ I am a Romanian in real life but I've been a SK citizen for more than a year. I've come to South Korea on 15 June 2010 in search of a new adventure. And it's been a hell of a ride xD

     ■ Since then I've been congressman for 9 months so i have great experience, i know the game very well, i love this country and I've met along the way such interesting people. I am looking forward to meeting each one of you and for this i promise i will try to learn Korean.

     ■ We've been through some hard times(at one point there were no battles in SK for about a month or so), Japan had erased us a couple of times and most recently we had a feud with Taiwan but we prevailed and i hope that with your help we can grow stronger and stronger.

     ■ The great thing about the war with Taiwan is that it brought together Koreans and Romanians more than ever and i am so glad about this. We trust each other, we are working better and this BABY BOOM is the moment we all had been waiting for. Now SOUTH KOREA will grow beautifully and who knows, maybe we will be a super-power at some point!

     ■ Now it's time for you to learn the game a step at a time, so i gathered some tutorials to help you(both in English and in Korean).

1. Military tutorial
2. Homepage(with more links at the bottom)
3. Marketplace
4. Working
5. Training
7. Little help for beginners
8. Companies comparison
10. Short tutorial for new citizens
11. Very useful article in korean

Also there are food and weapons giveaways:

1. MoH-Minister of Health gives food and weapons
2. Military unit South Korean Dragons are giving food

Subscribe to the newspapers of our President, MoD(Minister of Defense, MoFA(Minister of Foreign Affairs) and MoH(Minister of Health):

   ■ President: MirceaDrac - For news regarding the country
   ■ Mo😨 lcome - For battle orders
   ■ MoFA: Clopoyaur - For news regarding foreign affairs
   ■ MoH: pirate666 - For food/weapons giveaways

Long live South Korea!
Yours truly,