Predlozi / Suggestions

Day 2,301, 14:32 Published in Serbia Serbia by Dajbog NK

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Već duže vrijeme razmišljam o tome koje bi promjene volio da vidim na erepublik-u. Naravno sad većina vas, pošto ste pročitali riječ promjene u prethodnoj rečenici, ima onu lampicu iz stripova iznad glave. Ekonomija! U manjini su oni koji bi se sjetili da bi možda određena promjena u vojnom modulu malo osvježila ovu našu zajednicu. Ja sasvim slučajno imam par ideja koje se tiču svega pomenutog a možda bi primjena tih ideja imala uticaja na politički modul i na generalnu strategiju cijele igre, pošto je, je li, ovo prije svega strateška igra. Pa da počnemo.

I’ve been thinking about some changes I would like to see on erepublik. At this point most of you, after reading the word changes in the previous sentence, have the cartoon light bulb above your heads. Economy! Those of you who thought about certain changes in millitary module that would refresh our community are in minority. By chance I happen to have some ideas concerning all of the above and the implementation of these ideas could maybe have an impact on the political module and the overall strategy of the whole game, since, this is, after all a strategic game. So lets begin.

Razmišljao sam o tome kako funkcioniše ratovanje i kako bi mogli da unesemo malo živosti u postojeći modul. Jedna bitka traje najčešće 90 minuta, nekada i do 120. Borba se vodi tako što se koristi oružje različitog kvaliteta i u zavisnosti od jačine udarca (svima je poznato kako se računa), raspoloživog zdravlja, pojačivača štete i sastavljenih bombi pravi se doprinos. Zid se pomjera i tako se odlučuje pobjednik runde i na kraju kampanje. Da bi igra bila sličnija stvarnom ratovanju predlažem sledeće. Artiljerijsku pripremu prije svake runde. To je jedna sasvim običajena stvar na bojištu koja ovoj igri nedostaje. Evo kako ja to zamišljam.

I’ve been thinking about how the warfare is functioning and how we could bring some life into the existing module. One battle last about 90 minutes, sometimes up to a 120. You fight by using weapons of various quality and depending on how strong your hit is (we all know how it is calculated), your current energy, damage boosters and rockets you make a contribution to the war effort. Wall moves in your favor and that is how the winner is decided at the end of a battle and a campaign. So to make the game more like real life I propose the following. Artillery bombardment before each battle. It is a common tactic used on battleground which this game does not have. Here are my thoughts.

-Svaka runda bi trajala najkraće 120 minuta(za raliku od dosadašnjih 90), a najduže do 150 minuta.
-Prvih 30 minuta bi trajala artiljerijska priprema, a zatim bi se nastavljalo sa uobičajenom borbom.
-Šteta koja bi se nanosila u ovoj pripremi bila bi isključivo pravljena raketama (ili bombama kako ih ko zove) koje se sada sastavljaju u skladištima od oružja kvaliteta q1 do q6. Ove rakete bi se bacale isključivo u ovoj pripremi a ne kasnije u regularnoj borbi. Zid bi se pomjerao ali broj osvojenih poena bi bio na nuli, tek u prvom minutu regularne borbe bi se počelo sa računanjem poena kao i normalno. Ovim bi se postigao strateški efekat koji bi pojedine države ili jedinice u zavisnosti u kakvim su finansijskim i kadrovskim mogućnostima mogle da iskoriste u svoju koristi, bilo ofanzivno ili defanzivno.

E sada, kako ja zamišljam da bi funkcionisalo to bombardovanje i kako bi se te rakete (ili možda da kažem artiljerijske granate) pravile.

Now this is how I imagine this artillery bombardment would work and how these rockets (or should I say artillery shells) would be made.

-Each battle would last 120 minutes minimum (unlike 90 that we have now), and up to 150 maximum.
-We would have 30 minutes of artillery bombardment, after that the battle would continue as usual.
-The damage you would make would be made exclusively with rockets (or artillery shells if you like to call them that way) which are made in storage by combining ordinary weapons from q1 to q6. These rockets would be used only it the artillery bombardment, not later on in the regular combat. The wall would move with the influence but the battle points would remain zero,only at the beginning would the the counting of points begin as usual. This would lead to a strategic effect that countries could use to their advantage depending on their finance and manpower, whether offensively or deffensively.

-Postojale bi fabrike slične ili iste kao što ih sada imamo u dijelu Special Buildings. Trenutno možemo da posjedujemo samo jednu fabriku koja zahtjeva po 10 komada oružja od q1 do q6, i možemo samo da napravimo i iskoristimo samo jednu raketu. Ovako ja zamišljam poboljšanja.
-Broj fabrika za rakete bi bio 7. Te fabrike bi pravile bombe različite snage (ili možda da kažem kalibra).
-Fabrika Q1 bi pravila bombe spajanjem 10 komada pištolja q1.
-Fabrika Q2 bi pravila bombe spajanjem 20 komada mitraljeza q2.
-Fabrika Q3 bi pravila bombe spajanjem 30 komada samohodnih topova q3.
-Fabrika Q4 bi pravila bombe spajanjem 40 komada helikoptera q4.
-Fabrika Q5 bi pravila bombe spajanjem 50 komada jednocijevnih tenkova q5.
-Fabrika Q6 bi pravila bombe spajanjem 60 komada dvocijevnih tenkova q6.
-Fabrika Q7 bi pravila bombe spajanjem po 90 komada gore nabrojanog oružja kao što radimo sada. Ova fabrika bi za razliku od ovih manjeg kvaliteta pravila i bonus na udarac od 50%.
Fabrike bi se gradile i funkcionisale isto kao trening centri i trosile bi 10 poena zdravlja.
-Fabrika QX(od 1 do 6) bi imala 4 nivoa označena zvjezdicama kao trening centri.
-Fabrika QX nivoa 1 bi mogla da pravi 2 bombe dnevno.
-Fabrika QX nivoa 2 bi mogla da pravi 4 bombe dnevno.
-Fabrika QX nivoa 3 bi mogla da pravi 6 bombi dnevno.
-Fabrika QX nivoa 4 bi mogla da pravi 8 bombi dnevno.
-Izuzetak ovome bi bila fabrika Q7 koja ne bi imala nivoe već bi funkcionisala kao i do sada, samo jedna bomba po danu.
Naravno admini bi odlučili koliko golda bi bilo potrebno na njihovo pravljenje i poboljšanje. I osim ovoga bih da napomenem da bi ovaj šablon mogao da se primjeni na hranu i proizvodnju čokoladica ali čisto sumnjam da bi to admin dozvolio.

-We would have factories like we have now in the Special Buildings section. Currently we have only one factory that requires 10 weapons ranging from q1 to q6 an we can make and fire only one rocket. These are the improvements I’m suggesting.
-Number of rocket factories would be 7. These factories would make rockets of different strenght ( or should I say of different calibre).
-Factory Q1 would make rockets by merging 10 pistols q1.
-Factory Q2 would make rockets by merging 20 machineguns q2.
-Factory Q3 would make rockets by merging 30 self-propelled guns q3.
-Factory Q4 would make rockets by merging 40 helicopters q4.
-Factory Q5 would make rockets by merging 50 single barreled tanks.
-Factory Q6 would make rockets by merging 60 double barreled tanks.
-Factory Q7 would make rockets by merging 90 weapons of every quality like we do now. This factory unlike others would make a 50% damage booster.
These factories would be built and would function the same way the training centers do and would require 10 energy points.
-Factory QX (from 1 to 6) would have 4 levels that would be marked with stars like training centers.
-Factory QX on level 1 could make 2 rockets per day.
-Factory QX on level 2 could make 4 rockets per day.
-Factory QX on level 3 could make 6 rockets per day.
-Factory QX on level 4 could make 8 rockets per day.
-Exception to this would be the Q7 Factory which would not have levels but would function the same way it does now with only one rocket per day.
Of course it would be up to Plato to decide how much gold it would take to make and upgrade these buildings. What I would like to mention also is that this pattern could be applied to food and energy bars production but I really doubt Plato would allow it.

U ovom trenutku bih predložio i mijenjanje funkcionisanja fabrika osnovnih sirovina i funkcionisanje skladišta.

At this point I would like to propose changes in the way the raw companies and storage work.

Skladišta bi osnovne sirovine, bilo za hranu ili oružje, mogla da čuvaju kao i do sada, jedna jedinica sirovine jedno mjesto. Hrana, čokoladice, oružje, rakete (bombe), djelovi za bazuke i sklopljene bazuke bi zauzimali više mjesta na sledeći način.
-Hrana i oružje (pored pištolja ovdje računam i djelove za bazuku) q1 bi po jedinici zauzimali 2 mjesta u skladištu.
-Hrana i oružje q2 bi po jedinici zauzimali 4 mjesta u skladištu.
-Hrana i oružje q3 bi po jedinici zauzimali 6 mjesta u skladištu.
-Hrana i oružje q4 bi po jedinici zauzimali 8 mjesta u skladištu.
-Hrana (pored hleba ovdje računam čokoladice) i oružje (pored jednocijevnih tenkova ovdje računam i sklopljene bazuke) q5 bi po jedinici zauzimali 10 mjesta u skladištu.
-Hrana i oružje q6 bi po jedinici zauzimali 12 mjesta u skladištu.
-Hrana i oružje q7 bi po jedinici zauzimali 14 mjesta u skladištu.
-Bombe iz fabrika Q1 i Q2 bi po jedinici zauzimale 20 mjesta u skladištu.
-Bombe iz fabrika Q3 i Q4 bi po jedinici zauzimale 30 mjesta u skladištu.
-Bombe iz fabrika Q5 i Q6 bi po jedinici zauzimale 40 mjesta u skladištu.
-Jedna bomba iz fabrike Q7 bi zauzimala 100 mjesta u skladištu.

Storage could store food or weapon raw the same way they do now, one unit would require one slot. Food, energy bars, weapons, rockets, bazooka parts and assembled bazookas would require more slots in the following fashion.
-Food and weapons (beside pistols I also include the bazooka parts here) q1 would take 2 slots.
-Food and weapons q2 would take 4 slots.
-Food and weapons q3 would take 6 slots.
-Food and weapons q4 would take 8 slots.
-Food (beside bread I also include the energy bars here) and weapons (beside one barreled tanks I also include assembled bazookas here) q5 would take 10 slots.
-Food and weapons q6 would take 12 slots.
-Food and weapons q7 would take 14 slots.
-Rockets from Q1 and Q2 factories would take 20 slots.
-Rockets from Q3 and Q4 factories would take 30 slots.
-Rockets from Q5 and Q6 factories would take 40 slots.
-One rocket from Q7 factory would take 100 slots.

Što se tiče samog korišćenja osnovnih sirovina iz teritorija koje država posjeduje predložio bih sledeće.
-Za proizvodnju q1 hrane ili oružja bi se koristile sirovine žito ili gvožđe.
-Za proizvodnju q2 hrane ili oružja bi se koristile sirovine srnetina ili aluminijum.
-Za proizvodnju q3 hrane ili oružja bi se koristile sirovine riba ili šalitra.
-Za proizvodnju q4 hrane ili oružja bi se koristile sirovine stoka ili nafta.
-Za proizvodnju q5 hrane ili oružja bi se koristile sirovine voće ili kaučuk (guma).

Ovim načinom proizvodnje bi se se omogućio oporavak ekonomije i ne bi igrači više štancovali kompanije jednog kvaliteta već bi morali da prave različite kompanije prema sopstvenim mogućnostima ili potrebama države. Ovo bi dodatno poboljšalo strategiju jer bi u zavisnosti od posjedovanja teritorija kompanije uopšte mogle da rade. Tako da bi se države trudile da osvoje određene teritorije i ukoliko ne bi bile u stanju da obezbjede sopstvenu proizvodnju određenih sirovina mogle bi da ih kupe od savezničkih država što bi bilo od izuzetnog značaja za strategiju i za ekonomiju različitih država. Naravno zadržan bi bio sadašnji sistem u proizvodnji, pa bi države koje posjeduju svih pet osnovnih resursa proizvodile između 100 do 200 jedinica hrane i 10 do 20 jedinica oružja. Ovo bi imalo uticaja i na finansijski sistem i mislim da bi bilo dobro da se vrate nacinalne valute i vrate kao strateška opcija embargo i monetarne malverzacije.

As far as the usage of raw materials from the regions one country owns I have the following suggestion.
-Producing q1 food or weapons would require grain or iron.
-Producing q2 food or weapons would require deer or aluminum.
-Producing q3 food or weapons would require fish or saltpeter.
-Producing q4 food or weapons would require cattle or oil.
-Producing q5 food or weapons would require fruits or rubber.

By having production function this way we would create conditions for improving the economy and the players would not simply spam companies of one type but would need to make different companies according to their possibilities or the country’s needs. This would additionally improve strategy because depending on the ownership of certain territories the companies would be able to function. It would make countries try harder to conquer certain territories they need and if they couldn't provide their own production, maybe they could buy raw materials from their allies which would make some countries much more important from strategic and economical point of view. Of course we would keep the current system of production, so the countries that possess all five resources will produce between 100 and 200 units of food and between 10 and 20 units of weapons. This would make an impact on the financial system and I think it would be good to return to the old economy module with national currencies and have strategic options of embargo and monetary malfeasance.

E sada bih predložio sledeću promjenu.

At this point I would suggest the following.

Marketplace ili prodavnica ne bi bila jedinstvena za čitavu teritoriju države već bi se pravile određene količine po regionima ili provincijama. Razlog ovome je što bi se zalihe na marketplace-u mogle zaplijeniti od strane protivnika koji je osvojio provinciju ili region. Naravno ne bi građani morali da se sele da bi kupili nešto u drugoj provinciji već bi se te zalihe bile kontrolisane od strane predsjednika države i mogle bi da se podešavaju i sele u skladu sa proizvodnjom i potrebom određenih regiona. Ova selidba bi bila trenutna.

Što me dovodi do toga da predložim sledeću izmjenu. Sve kompanije, fabrike i skladišta koja igrač posjeduje moraju biti u istom regionu u kojem je i igrač da bi on mogao da radi u njima. Ovo donosi novu dozu strategije jer bi vojnim osvajanjem igrač mogao da se nađe pod neprijateljskom okupacijom u jednoj provinciji jer se recimo selio da bi pomogao u borbi. On neće moći da se vrati na svoju teritoriju sve dok njegova država ne osvoji natrag okupirani region. I da ne bi bilo poteškoća predlažem da se kompanije, fabrike i skladišta sele da bi se izbjegla okupacija. Igrači koji bi se našli pod okupacijom bi mogli da rade u kompanijama ali određeni procenat bi išao okupatoru. Igrač koji se seli da bi učestvovao u ratu može da se kreće jednom provincijom za 20 minuta. U tom slučaju bi karta koštala 10 RSD. Ako bi htio da predje dvije provincije za 20 minuta karta bi koštala 20 RSD, a ako bi htio da predje više cijena bi se povećavala za 10 RSD. Ograničenje bi bilo na deset provincija za 20 minuta. Što se tiče kompanija, one bi mogle da se sele jednu provinciju dnevno. One bi se selile u posebne slotove (placeve ili parcele) koje bi svaki igrač pravio za sebe i taj slot bi mogao da primi koliko god fabrika i skladišta igrač posjeduje. Cijena slota za nekretnine po provinciji bi bile recimo iste kao i cijene licenci za strano tržište, 20 gold. Kompanije, fabrike i skladišta ne bi mogle da se dijele po provincijama već bi sve nekretnine morale da budu na skupu u jednoj provinciji. Naravno ovo bi pravilo moglo biti izmjenjeno ali to bi zahtjevalo previše mikromenadžmenta od strane igrača a i ne znam kako bi se serveri snalazili sa tolikim podacima.

Marketplace won't be unique for the whole country but we would have certain stockpiles in different regions or provinces. The reason for this would be that we could conquer the territory and seize the goods in the marketplace. Of course the citizens would not need to move between regions to buy the good but the stockpile and the amount of goods would be controlled by the president and could be moved in accordance with the need of certain regions. This redeployment would be instantaneous.

Which brings me to another suggestion. All companies, factories and storage that citizens possess would need to be in the same region as the player so that he could work there. This brings a new dose of strategy because with military conquest a player could find himself occupied in one region because he was there fighting. He won't be able to come back to his territory until his country regains the control of that region. To bring the inconvenience to a minimum I propose to make the companies, factories and storage move to avoid occupation. If a player finds himself occupied he would still be able to work in his companies but a certain percentage would be payed to the occupiers. Player that wishes to move to a different region for joining a battle in a different country could move by one region in 20 minutes. In that case the cost of changing his location would be 10 of local currency. Moving two regions in 20 minutes would cost 20 and moving more provinces would cost additional 10. The limit would be set to ten provinces in 20 minutes. As far as companies are concerned they could move one region or province per day. You would move and place them in special pieces of land or slots that would be owned by citizens and they would take as many companies, factories and storage you have. The price of this real estate per one region would be the same as the prices for the foreign marketplace licences, 20 gold. You wouldn't be able to divide them across regions but keep them all in one. Certainly this rule could be changed but that would require too much micromanagement by the players and I don’t know how the servers could cope with the huge amount of information.

I kad smo vec kod provincija.

And now while we are at the subject of regions.

Bilo bi lijepo da se dodaju na mapu i morske provincije koje ce moci da se osvajaju i brane kao one na kopnu i da se detaljnije odrede načini prelaska po okeanima po dodatnim putanjama. Jedna od mogućnosti bi bilo dodavanje dvije morske teritorije koje bi morale da se osvoje da bi se moglo ratovati između Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva i Norveške. Primjera ima dosta.

It would be nice to add sea regions on a map that we could conquer and defend like the ones on land and to make more detailed rules when crossing the oceans in additional routes. One possibility would be adding two sea regions you would have to conquer to make war between United Kingdom and Norway. There are a lot more examples.

Ovo su neka moja razmišljanja. Vi slobodno komentarišite, možda se iz diskusije stvori neka dobra ideja koju će admini primjetiti.

These are a couple of my ideas. Feel free to comment, maybe the discussion will spawn some good new idea that Plato will adopt and apply.