Praefectus De Facto

Day 2,160, 01:32 Published in South Africa South Africa by Marmaduke IV

I've pretty much kept my mouth shut the past month or so. I was Minister of Foreign affairs and dedicated most of my free time patching up relationships with countries where Leon Reno destroyed our relationship.

As many of you know, I ran for party president of the African National Alliance this month. At hour 22:00, I was leading the vote with 10 votes to 1 against Ziwue, a known Lazokrat PTO'er. Just one hour later and the balance had changed to 22 votes for Ziwue and I still had 10. By the time admins had reviewed votes, they removed half of Ziwue's votes due to multi account banning and he had still won by a vote of 11-10.

I'm not here to cry over losing the election and not becoming party president. I'm here to talk about Lazocracy and the future of eSouth Africa.

I'm going to start with my view on the economic status of the nation. Apparently, for the first half of the month I was the Deputy Minister of Finance. I was never asked to be, I never accepted the position, and yet somehow I was.

A few days ago I resigned from that position because I want nothing to do with the current Minister of Finance.

Henock Haukongo is nothing more than a pinko commie that spreads his real life views into Erepublik thinking that socialism works here, and it doesn't. Henock wants to raise the minimum wage to 20ZAR and force business owners to apply for assistance. In order to pay for the assistance, he wants to raise the work tax to 15%. It is nonsensical economics. His mathematical formula for the subsidies payed out is way off. For these reasons, I call on Henock to resign or from President Wilpanzer to remove Henock from his position. We need someone in charge of Finances that actually nderstands game mechanics.

And that's not all. He also supports the Lazokrat PTO. He wants us to try to integrate the terrorists. He is out of his mind. Here are some Henock quotes:

"Leon was the best president eSA has ever had."

"...and after having spend a lot of energy and effort to bring eSA to a respectable position he was not ready to again to fight people he has just literary saved..."
-Henock on how Leon saved us and made us respectable

"They are only going to proceed with it if we are dicks about letting them live with us."
-Henock thinks if we are nice, then the Lazokrats won't PTO us

Henock is a traitor. He was always loyal to Leon and not eSA. Now that Leon is gone, he's in cahoots with the Lazokrats. He should be quartered and his entrails displayed for all to see.

Argentina is not an ally of eSouth Africa. They see us as a pawn. And they see the Lazokrats as being an even better tool for their own selfish ambitions. Argentina will not save us when the time comes. Argentina fights for Argentina.

So South Africa must fight for South Africa.

I urge all citizens to ignore MoD orders when they involve fighting your own brethren. Argentina will not wipe us. And in the rare event that they do, Lazokrats can easily win a resistance war against them.

Your government orders are to give up and hide. But we must fight on.

Activity and organization, especially from the cabinet and party leaderships is what will win this war.

To president Wilpanzer: Put together a team that will coordinate this ATO. Remove inactives and traitors who sympathize with the Lazokrats.

Combat warfare is all 2-clicking. Political warfare is where the real fun is. So don't be discouraged, embrace the entertainment. Lazokrats are like clowns. They type their Turkey clucks into google translate and copypasta dumb phrases they see on Neopets like "Yes we can". Their 3rd world education systems only allow for this type of communication.

And that's all from me tonight.

~The Honorable Arch Bishop Dr. Marmaduke Exilious Alphonso IV, Sr, OB/GYN
Praefectus De Facto, African National Alliance