PPC Update

Day 455, 09:43 Published in Canada Canada by Progressive Party of Canada

Greetings eCanada ~

I would like to provide everyone with an update regarding our new Party Council, the creation of our new party organization and newspaper, the PPC forums and the upcoming congressional elections and presidential elections.

The new Party Council consists of

1ronman, President of the PPC
Joey Phillips, Vice-President of the PPC
Derakor, PPC Presidential Candidate
RoyMunson, PPC Representative

This council will make almost all party decisions.
Any changes to this council will be released in an article and we will give regular updates regarding this council.


Yesterday, the PPC Council decided it was time to create a Party Organization and Newspaper. We would like everyone who is interested in donating to from now on donate to this org, as funds in the Party Accounts are not usable. All funds collected using this organization will be put towards advertisements for our party and other party related things. Also, any party related press releases will be on the PPC Newspaper from now on.

Now, I would like to take this time to thank everyone who donated toward opening this Organization and Newspaper.

- Struck Last May, former President of the Comonground League who let Joey Phillips reform it into the PPC. He donated 4 GOLD towards this.

- 1ronman, current President of the PPC. He donated 1.75 GOLD towards this.

- Joey Phillips, current Vice-President of the PPC. He was the former President of the PPC who founded the PPC around a month ago. He donated 1.75 GOLD towards this.

- RoyMunson, a PPC representative. A fairly new member, but very generous none the less. He donated 1.75 GOLD as well.

Thanks to these people for their generous donations!


I would also like all party members interested in being a candidate for congress to apply as soon as possible! We want to provide a full slate of congressional candidates in the upcoming elections. If we need you to change regions because their are to many in your current region, we will PM you using this organization. If you do not receive a PM, then you're fine where you are.


Now, many of you have been wondering who our Presidential Candidate will be in the upcoming elections. As of right now, our presidential candidate will be Derakor. However this may change in the upcoming weeks.


Also, please feel free to sign up at our forums. We ask that all party members sign up, and the forums are public, so anyone else may sign up if they wish.

Progressive Party of Canada

PPC Forum

Party Organization

PPC Platform


If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to PM this Organization, or email our party email :

Please stay tuned, more articles will be released in the coming weeks!


President of the PPC,