PP Elections: Vote HANS RIENVELD

Day 997, 12:39 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by LSD Party Centre

As we all know the Party Elections are in two days. The candidate has been selected as per normal procedure on the LSD Forum. Hans Rienveld put himself for re-election and no one else put their candidacy forward.

Therefore Hans Rienveld has been selected as official candidate for the upcoming PP elections.

However Auggustus from I&W has temporarily joined LSD and made himself candidate for the PP elections. DO NOT vote for Auggustus. He is not really LSD and only wants to stir up trouble.

We from LSD hope that I&W publicly distance themselves from Auggustus as this action can only be seen as a negative move.

The manifesto of Hans Rienveld can be found here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/my-manifesto-for-august-lsd-pp-elections-1486785/1/20