Post Presidential Election Analysis and the beginning of a new project.

Day 1,665, 15:20 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Lincoln

President Stevens swearing in ceremony.

Well the dust has settled, the votes have been counted, and the United States has had a new country president for almost a week. As we continue onward through this journey I think it’s time to reflect on the outcome of this election and the future political ramifications this will have on our nation.

First we must recognize the continuation of the USWP’s political power along with the rise of the American Military Party. The USWP has supported or endorsed the winning Presidential candidate for the last three elections and Stevens is the first AMP President in party history. Although it should be noted that Stevens pulled in only 37% of the vote, it still solidifies the two parties as not only dominant with members but also fairly similar in political ideology with the last three winning candidates also supported by AMP.

Glove is love

We’ve also seen the return of former President glove who somewhat surprisingly pulled in over 29% of the vote and spiced up the election quite a bit. Despite being banned by the admins under his original account and criticized for military actions during the end of his administration, his populist message of bringing newbs into government set well with voters. In my opinion glove also represents a little bit of a throwback with his references to Dio and his fight club theme. At least from my perspective it brings some personality to the character and makes the game more dynamic.

Is Lee a Thomas Jefferson or a Benedict Arnold? It depends on who you speak with.

Love him or hate him this election saw yet again another reincarnation of Ajay Bruno with General Cartman Lee running under the Republican banner. This time Lee finished with a respectful 17% of the popular vote and a third place finish overall. This shows an increase of 6% compared to his last run for President in the March 2012 election. It’s also worth noting that Lee did beat longtime statesman Cromstar by about 6% even with the support of the Federalist Party.

Hmm… Something seems odd here.

We should also take note of the merger between the United States Marijuana Party controlled by chickensguys and the Republican Party controlled remotely by General Cartman Lee into the Republican Liberty Caucus. This is of particular note due to the apparent lack of interest by Lee in running for Party President. Instead it appears that the race will come down between Dutch Marley and Dennis McVicker. Both are well respected candidates and despite the affiliation with Ajay I seriously doubt PTO measures will be taken. This also raises questions over the political future of Lee. Is he attempting to become more mainstream and if so will the establishment tolerate his existence? Either way one must give credit to his victory over Cromstar and his apparent restraint in taking over the USMJ.

The right candidate at the wrong time?

Cromstar started his bid with high hopes of staying in the eWhite House. Unfortunately for him he rounded out the bottom of the recognizable candidates in fourth place overall with 11% of the vote. Cromstar has played erepublik for years and has held every political position imaginable except the presidency. I think what happened here was Crommie running at the wrong time. In my opinion Cromstar could have put up a good fight with Stevens one on one but with the return of our youthful glove and the addition of Lee into the election, it made it extremely hard to pull off the anti-USWP/AMP vote. Still this has to be a disappointment for him and shows weakness in the Federalist Party.

Things are moving up for America.

Regardless of whom you supported this election; the voter turnout we experienced is good for the United States and democracy. With 3,286 votes this is the highest amount of votes since January of 2010 with 4,068 in a fairly competitive race between Jewitt and Woxan. This is truly the first competitive election that we’ve witnessed in month and I’m happy to see the increasing interest in US politics. The May 2012 election also saw a large turnout with 3,091 voters.

Logo courtesy of alleyrat.

Lastly I’m happy to announce the establishment of the Nixon Polling Firm. As I stated in my previous article I’ve missed the Synergy Polls and I would like to create non-biased polling for accessing public opinion on a wide range of issues and examining U.S. Presidential elections. I’d also to like extend my services for party presidential elections and international polling for only a small fee. Just for clarity I am not a statistics major nor am I a pollster in real life. I’d just like to see the return of public opinion polling and any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

As always your friend,

P.S. I’m co-hosting eNPR starting this Tuesday so be sure to tune in at 19:00 erepublik time.