Post Election - the BelgianParty !

Day 584, 08:07 Published in Netherlands Serbia by Azor Ahai Reborn

Post Election - the BelgianParty !

Less than one week ago, I was telling you, dear partymembers and followers, that the June Congress Election will be a huge challenge for the BP, that we will need a big support...

What can i say ? We did it ! The Belgian Party is still the main political force in the eUNL !
I really want to thank you all for your votes, they made the difference !

We have 12 congressmen elected ! It's 30% of the congress ... Of course, last month we were 15, but it was an exceptionnal situation, as we managed to get elected some congressmen with only one vote in the belgians regions. The proof it's not a regression is that we get this time 72 votes for 48 the last time ! Such an improvement...

I want to congratulate all the BP candidates who are elected, but also all the others who are not. They won't be forgotten. Thanks to all our candidates, we can see that the political gravity center has moved in the eUNL... To confirm this change, it will take one more election.

I've been choosen to start the negotiation for a new government. The electoral campaign was quite "agressive", but the Belgian Party has no exclusive, except the far right party GVD.

I want also to congratulate the GLD, which did very well for a new party. The BP is still a young party and we know how it can be difficult in the first weeks.

The Belgian Party : your voice !

President of the BelgianParty

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