Post-Election Interview with Dominik

Day 503, 16:49 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

After Dominik's loss in the election I became hooked to his ideas and opinions. I thought to get some better knowledge into his mind, I would do an interview with him. Let's get to it then.

Derek Harlan😛 Hello Dominik. I want to thank you for joining me today after your defeat in the election yesterday. How are you today.

Dominik: Fine, thank you.

Derek Harlan😛 After the election, what were your thoughts on it?

Dominik: I thought it went very well. Good dialogue going, very close and excellent coverage. Very few things I didn't like (besides not winning 😃)

Derek Harlan😛 I was disappointed you didn't win. I didn't do much research on the topic and since the PPC was supporting Bruck, I just voted with him. If I had worked at finding out your opinions and views I would have voted for you. Is there anyone that you think interfered illegally with the election?

Dominik: No, I'm pretty sure the election was legal and relatively fair this time, though there was the traditional Baldwin-bullshit. As to the part about not finding out about my opinions, I would blame, primarily, the eRepublik system. Besides articles, there is little a candidate can do to promote himself.

Derek Harlan😛 Yeah I have noticed that and it is too bad I didn't find out your opinions. After the election, are you done from politics for good?

Dominik: I believe I am, unfortunately (or fortunately, based on your point of view). I do think Canada needs a voice of equality and democracy, and if nobody steps up to become that voice, you might very well see me on the ballot next month.

Derek Harlan😛 That is good to hear. If you do run again, you will definitely have my vote. I have always been interested in politics and when I become more experienced with this game, I will look to become active in it and take up your stance of fairness and democracy. If you don't run will Augustus be leading the CSD?

Dominik: I am not a CSD member (though I used to be the vice-president before I started my own party) and neither is Augustus Baldwin. The leader of the CSD will most likely be Zanalan, as before. I am stepping down as leader of the DAL and letting another former CSD-er (David Eastcorner) take the reigns. I am indifferent to what Augustus Baldwin does, but the CSD will not elect him. Though I see how it would appear I am a CSD member, considering the flawed system that displays the largest supporting party of the candidate rather than his actual party. That's my party, the Democratic Action League (DAL)

Derek Harlan😛 Oh yes that is true, this shows my lack of knowledge. What exactly are you trying to accomplish with your transparency petition?

Dominik: I am hoping to put enough pressure on the government that will eventually lead congress to allow citizens to be able to view what the government is doing. This is a political simulator and not allowing people to view these things limits their experience of the game.

Derek Harlan😛 That would be really good to know and I have just signed the petition. The thing that really draws me to your campaign is your goal of involving 'boomers' more in politics instead of the older, more experienced players. What exactly were your plans for that?

Dominik: Well, transparency would be the beginning- engaging boomers who aren't in government in the political process. The next thing would be giving more power to congress and less to the cabinet (the former is mostly newer players and the latter are veterans). We have a stale situation where old players hold all the power. We need to break free so this generation can be the future presidents, ministers and forum admins. Any more questions?

Derek Harlan😛 Spoken like a true leader. I agree with you on all points and it would be good to breathe some fresh new ideas and opinions into the country, like you are trying to do. I just have one more question, what are you going to do if you retire from the political scene?

Dominik: Well, I have a secret plan B, but that's a story for another day. I will continue doing things similar to my petition article. Basically, being a journalist-activist. I am also going to transfer into an active platoon in the CAF. Other than going to war, and writing critiques of the government, I'll be enjoying my retirement. Maybe I'll write a few angry letter to TV Guide as well.

Derek Harlan😛 That sounds like a nice retirement. I am extremely glad to have you here today and I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with me today. I want to wish you good luck with whatever you do in the future and if there is anything else you want to say, let us know now.

Dominik: No, thank you for letting me be heard. My schedule isn't busy, I'm retired 😉

Derek Harlan😛 Ha-ha, you are correct. I will definitely be keeping in touch with you to see how you are doing and if there is ever anything I can do to help you let me know.

Dominik: Yeah, thanks.

I tried formatting the article more reader-friendly but that didn't work so here it is. After this interview and some selling from Dominik I will be joining the DAL. Expect an article from me on that tomorrow.