Possibly My Last Article

Day 1,223, 05:31 Published in Belgium Belgium by Medrolke
Can't be arsed to use my usual format or a spellchecker today so I apoligize if it's a bit difficult to follow.

My Last Article

This is quite possibly the last article I will ever write. My articles are rarely any good anyway, so few people will miss them, but I just wanted to post one more.

Why is it my last article? Because I'm getting rid of my Belgian citizenship.

I want to make clear that this is not because I dislike Belgium, it's just because it offers no real advantages to anyone by me staying.

This past week of semi-activity has made me realize that I really don't give a shit about this game anymore. The only thing that is vaguely interesting is IRC and I don't need Belgian citizenship for that.

I therefore may as well move somewhere with more wars, better wages, better productivity, lower prices etc.

I know I do have a history of leaving and then returning within a few months, but I am 90% sure I won't this time.

I'm going to continue in my semi-active state for the next few months. I am then spending a month in Peru IRL. Concidering the effect this past week has had on me, I seriously doubt I will be returining after that.

So... well, this isn't really a goodbye,
More of a pre-goodbye.