Poor Management: eCanadian Companies Being Run Into Bankruptcy

Day 576, 12:31 Published in Canada Canada by Petz

There is a growing trend among owners today in eCanada, the moment then face difficulties they ask for congress to lower taxes. In some cases, a tax changes does indeed help but there is a larger problem that owners of companies have decided to ignore....unrealistic wages. The trend seen over the past several months is that new company owners have been offering wages that are unrealistic and economically damaging to both their own companies and to competitor companies. The productivity of a worker is determined by both their wellness and their skill level but new owners have failed to incorporate both these factors into the wages they are offering. This practice is totally unwarranted and unacceptable considering there are many tools available which allow you to calculate workers productivity and break even points so that an owner can offer realistic wages. The failure to run businesses properly has lead to two series of events that hurt the eCanadian economy. First, these unrealistic wages have given a false sense of wages to new citizens who continually jump for company to company upon reaching new skill levels, sometimes the jump is for a few cents. New workers since they are inexperienced and unaware of the economic situation, seem to always be looking for unrealistic raises because of the job offers they see and this has created an environment where companies cannot build a solid, loyal workforce. Second, due to unrealistic wages, we see a trend of numerous new companies that are created and then disappear within a few months as they are not financially viable and go out of business. This is mainly due to owners paying wages that do not equal the revenue that their companies generate. This has caused hundreds of gold to be wasted as owners pour in money to wages and the 20 gold start up fee.

I have operate my organization Petz Inc. for many months and provide realistic wages to over 70 workers but have also supplemented these wages by providing my employees with bonuses of wellness and food rather than offering outrageous wages. Owners need to help their employees gain high wellness and educate the new workers to see how companies must operate in order to be profitable. This includes helping employees to have wellness over 40 so that they can take advantage of the training wars and use hospitals to get their wellness into the 80 and 90s.

By writing this article I hope that owners take note and change their ways and that employees begin to realize that wages offered in eCanada are higher than in many countries and that this trend is severely hurting the overall strength of our economy. For those that need to relate my comments to a real world situation, look at the union wages of GM workers and how they crippled the corporation and now those workers are either losing their jobs or having to take massive pay cuts...

Let's get our acts together and fix the wage problem so that eCanadians will have solid jobs now and in the future.

CEO Petz Inc.
Congressman for Manitoba