Poland CP Impeachment, Polish-Mexico War, RW's Gone Wild

Day 1,188, 09:44 Published in USA Australia by Justin McCravok
It must've been an accident, right Cerber?

This morning, or about 4:00PM in Polish time, david wielki of the Polish congress declared a presidential impeachment on current Polish president Cerber. The impeachment comes days after an "accidental" Natural Enemy proposal on the United states and a successful Natural Enemy declaration against Mexico.

The United States and Mexico were in the middle of a land swap. Ongoing for almost a week, America was trying to diplomatically solve resource issues and switch a region with Mexico to get Rubber. A few mishaps along the way in battles, but generally things were going to plan. And then...Poland came around.

Poland's Natural Enemy proposal with Mexico was accepted, and the two nations initiated war. This proved problematic because Poland was attacking from within the United States, from Arizona, a region that we rented them. What proved more problematic was Poland's goals, to get to South America through Mexico. So, ultimately, Poland was complicating America's land swaps, as well as threatening America's allies...and it was our fault.

That doesn't look good

But this is nothing that we can't solve. By retrieving our rented regions through Resistance Wars and supporting Mexico in the war against Poland, we can successfully keep the threat of Poland out of both the American and American allied borders. I really wish it didn't have to come to having to fight Poland, but what happens, happens.

There's also something else we have to do in order to secure ourselves against Poland, and that is win currently USA occupied Southeast of Mexico. Poland can go as far into Mexico as they want, but if America can keep a hold of Southeast of Mexico, then Poland cannot into sharing a border with Colombia and South America. In order to retrieve a border, Poland would have to declare war against the United States and then win in Southeast of Mexico, something that I doubt they will or could do in the current situation they're in.

She loves America and is fighting for us in Southeast of Mexico

So, my friends, make sure to fight for the Americans against the Poles in Southeast of Mexico. Unless of course you like it when our allies get attacked and the enemy wins and you hate America.

In other Polish news, EDEN, Seal Team 6, Pfeiffer, and friends have opened and have been fighting in seven resistance wars in Poland's non-original territories. Chinese region Zhejiang and French region Poitou Charentes are among the currently resistance won regions, while five other Resistance Wars flame on as of this article. USA's Resistance War of Arizona, Netherland's RW in Western Netherlands, Mexico's RW in Northwest of Mexico, Germany's RW in Thuringia, and the Swiss RW in Deutschschweiz are all currently falling into hands of the original owner while Poland struggles to fend off heavy opposition. As of this article, the resistance is winning and is predicted to win every contested region. This is partially the reason that the impeachment of Polish CP Cerber was started by Poland's congress.

Thanks for reading, and until next time,