Pointless Arguements: A Must Read for eFilipinos (RL and not RL alike)

Day 511, 17:31 Published in Philippines Philippines by purge0809

It’s starting to piss me off.

The arguments that eCitizens do, that eFilipinos do.

“Put RL Filipinos in place, blah blah blah blah blah...”

I mean, what’s the point? The fact that this is just a game, it’s not much of a big deal. People win, people lose, duh...

You know what I think? I think these so-called “foreigners” that stepped in ePhilippine soil deserve our “thanks”, not our “shoo”, not our “go away!”, not our “f*ck off”, “tsupe”, “alis”, “fly away”, “go back to where your arses came from”, whatever. See the point? Saying a small thanks is better (morally and physically, would it not be better to say only one word than to say 7 or more words?), than rapping words like “!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*, yo!”?

I am a RL Filipino. Proof? “Maniwala kayo, ako ay Pilipino. Kayumanggi ang kulay ng balat ko. Bilog ang mga mata ko. Gwapo ako.” You believe me now? “Bakit? Hindi ba gwapo ang mga Pinoy?” 🙂

But the fact that I am a true Filipino doesn’t mean that I support the RL Filipino Parties (though someday, I want our nation to be ruled by RL Filipinos). And don’t even think about it. I’m not so biased, too, as to lean on the side of the “foreigner” Party (though they’re doing a great job already, and I really like it).

I’m in the middle.

Here. Many (and I mean many) eFilipinos confess their nationalistic traits in a way like this:

“Stop ruling our country, ’foreigners’! Go away! We do not need you! Blah blah blah blah blah!”

Well... Do you know what I think? I think this is true nationalism: “Suffering and sacrificing for the good of my country.”

Do you get the point? If so many RL Filipinos think it would be much suffering and sacrifice to let the foreigners rule, then, why not? It is for the good of the country, you know.

These people (if some consider them monsters, I consider them people, so deal with it) her came to help. Ok. I’m forced to get biblical facts. I’m not saying they’re like Jesus, but they’re doing His role. As Christ came here to save, so are they. I think these people here would even die for ePhilippines (AS IF!), if they could. 🙂

They have helped us stand on our own two feet. Now we are already standing, with crutches. They are the crutches. And if a disabled man tries to walk without his/her crutches, he/she falls back to where he/she came from: the floor. And if you asked me, I would not want to be anywhere on that dirty floor. How ‘bout you?

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