Poetic Justice.

Day 558, 15:34 Published in Indonesia South Africa by Krimpiekat
English Version
After a tough day at work, on a sunday, and then visiting the In-laws...
What a day. I then get home to find this sweet piece of ironic justice: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/epic-fail-indonesia--817079/1/20#comments

It sucks eh indo? Especially after you did it to my country last week.
Don't worry, I will help them in every way possible to speed up your misery.

Remember the old saw about the wheel turning?
I guess it just ran over your nuts..

Afrikaans version:
Kyk nou hoe kry die spul Indo boknaaiers op hulle moere. Ek bekak myself sommer van lekkerkry.
Ek kom by die huis, sit my rekenaar aan en sien daai artikel. Ek lag so lekker dat my babelas in sy moer is, die kat slaan dekking agter die couch en die res van die fandamily kyk my aan of ek gefok in die kop is.

Al raad wat ek vir die spul het is om nou mooi vir pappa te buk en die besemstok in die hol op soos mans te vat