Poem for Glove

Day 1,313, 20:54 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Election Day
Day 1,313 of the New World
"Well, it's either kiss me or kill me, that's how I see it."
— Tom Waits
Glove shouted that he was offering his vote. I offered a poem in exchange.

I don't know if he voted for me or not. No matter I lost.

But regardless I am always eager for inspiration so I crapped this out:

Courting the Glove Vote
by Gnilraps

I am an omnicompetent prefabricated Fed’ralist
Congressional Election Day is why I’m a Somnambulist.
My universal chumminess is readily approachable,
Unless I’ve had a beer too much and then I’m anti-sociable.

To obviate ‘square pegginess’ in occupations digital
Our eRepublik livelihood no longer’s commonsensical.
Strategic technicalities of interwebish mystery
No longer keep us up at night. This game has turned to quackery.

But there it was! An offer from His Gloveness oh-so-Love-able.
A Vote! For me! But only if I pen some Rhymey voca-Bull.
So even though I’d rather be off polishing my rage-quit
Instead I’m syllabullatizing this here lousy bullshit.