Podela Hrane

Day 1,773, 06:30 Published in Serbia Serbia by metrocop

U komentaru napisite broj glasa, pretplate i napisite Shout

Podela hleba http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/podela-hrane1-2128402/1/20

i dobijate 100 helta!

Nema nikakvih drugih uslova!

Podela hleba ce se vrsiti sutra u toku dana. Svi ce dobiti hleb!


In comment wright no. of vote, sub and Shout!

Bread Sharing: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/podela-hrane1-2128402/1/20

and you will receive 100 energy!

There is no other condition

Sharing will be tomorow. All of you will get bread!