Day 2,159, 10:55 Published in Serbia Serbia by Revolucionarbgd

Dragi drugovi i drugarice, odlučio sam da napravim podelu hleba.

Kao i do sada, u mojim podelama nema nikakvih kriteriju, svi ste Vi isti za mene, i svakom dajem hleb, bez obzira na to za koju državu igra, koji je level, koje su mu ideje i slično. 🙂

Sve što treba da uradite je da se javite u komentaru.
Deliću po 100 Q2 hleba!

A pored podele, rešio sam da u ovom članku ostavim i kompilaciju postera Saveza Sovjetskih Socijalističkih Republika, od slavne Oktobarske Socijalističke revolucije, do poslednjih dana te, prve, radničke, države.

Nadam se da će Vam se posteri svideti.

Toliko i pozdrav.


Dear comrades, I decided to make a distribution of bread.

As before, in my givings there are no criteria, you're all the same to me, and I give each bread, no matter which state you're playing for, which level you are, what are your ideas and the like. 🙂

All you need to do is to make a comment.
I'll give away 100 Q2 food each!

And in addition to the distribution, I decided to put in this article a compilation of posters of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, since the glorious October Socialist Revolution, to the last few days of this, first, labor, state.

I hope that you like posters.

Best regards.


Mir - prva pobeda Oktobra!
Peace - is the first conquest of the october!

Oktobarska Revolucija - most ka svetloj budućnosti!
October revolution - a bridge to a bright future!

Učešće intervencionista je precejeno!
The stake of the interventionists is overbid!

Pobeda revolucije je u saradnji radnika i seljaka!
The victory of the Revolution is in cooperation of workers and peasants!

Mislite na one koji gladuju!
Think about those who are starving!

Živeo genije svetskih čuda - moćni kreativni rad!
Long live the genius of the world-wide marvels - mighty creative labor!

1. Maj - Sveruski Subotnik!
1st of May. All-Russian Subbotnik!

Živela 5. godišnjica Velike Oktobarske Proleterske Revolucije!
Long live the 5th anniversary of the Great October Proletarian Revolution!

Ne damo Petrovgrad!
(We) Will not give up Petrograd!

1. Maj!
Živeo praznik radnika svih zemalja!
1st of May
Long live the holiday of the workers of all the countries!

Crvena Moskva!
Srce Svetske Revolucije!
Red Moscow!
The heart of World Revolution!


Na konja proleterijatu!
Onto a horse, proletarian!


Petogodišnji plan!
Five year plan!

Dajte magistralu veka!
Give the Mainline of the century!

Ovde ćemo živeti, raditi i učiti!
Here we will live, work and study!

(Mi ćemo) Utrti put za budućnost!
(We) Will pave the way to the future!

U jedinstvu proizvodnje i nauke - moć i budućnost zemlje!
In the unity of the production and science - the power and future of the country!

Živeo Staljinov ustav!
Long live Stalin's constitution!

Sovijetska žena:
Za Socijalističku otadžbinu, za srećan život, glasa (imaj sva prava) sovjetska žena!
The Soviet woman:
For the Socialist motherland, for the happy life, votes (having full rights) the Soviet woman!

Živeo savez radnika i seljaka - osnova Sovjetske moći!
Long live the Union of the workers and peasants - the basis of the Soviet power!

Od Socijalizma do Komunizma!
From Socialism to Communism!


Pod vođstvom Velikog Staljina - napred ka Komunizmu!
Under the leadership of the great Stalin - forward to Communism!

Slava Staljinu - velikom arhitekti Komunizma!
Glory to Stalin - to the great architect of Communism!

Staljin i Kliment Vorošilov
"Živela radnička i seljačka Crvena Armija - pravi čuvar Sovjetskih granica!"
Stalin and Klement Voroshilov
"Long live the workers’ and peasants’ Red Army - the true guard of the Soviet borders!"

Staljin u Kremljinu brine za sve nas!
Stalin in the Kremlin cares about each one of us!

Kapetan Sovjetske zemlje, vodi nas od pobede do pobede!
The captain of the country of Soviets, leads us from victory to victory!


Slava herojima - partizanima, uništavajući fašističku pozadinu!
Glory to the heroes - partisans, destroying fascists rear!

Pozdrav borcima protiv fašizma!
Greetings to the fighters against fascism!

Čekam te, vojniče - oslobodioče!
I am waiting for you, soldier - the liberator!

Pod zastavom Lenjina - Napred za Otadžbinu, za našu pobedu!
Under the flag of Lenin - Forward for the Motherland, for our victory!

Otadžbina zove!
Motherland is calling!

Živela moćna avijacija Socijalističke zemlje!
Long live powerful aviation of the socialist country!

Kunem se da ću poraziti neprijatelja!
I swear to defeat the enemy!

Slava herojima Otadžbinskog rata! Slava Staljinovim sokolima!
Glory to the heroes of the Patriotic War! Glory to the Stalin's falcons!

Borimo se sa Nemačkim zverima! Možemo i moramo uništiti Hitlerovu armiju!
Fight German beasts! We can and must destroy Hitler's army.

Smrt Nemačko-fašističkim osvajačima!
Death to German-fascist invaders!

Lice Hitlerizma!
The face of Hitlerism!

Slava Crvenoj Armiji!
Glory to Red Army!

Živela artiljerija Crvene Armije!
Long live the gunners of the Red Army!

Za otadžbinu!
For the motherland!

Budimo inspirisani u ovom ratu našim hrabrim pretcima - Aleksandar Nevski, Dimitrij Donski, Kuzma Minin, Dmitrij Pozharski, Aleksandar Suvorov, Mihail Kutuzov!
Let's be inspired in this war by our courageous ancestors - Alexander Nevsky, Dimitry Donskoi, Kuzma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov, Michael Kutuzov!

Kao unuci Suvorova i deca Čapajeva, pružamo veliku borbu!
As grandchildren of Suvorov and children of Chapaev, we put up a great fight!

Naša zemlja je poznata po velikim ratnicima!
Our land is known for its great warriors!

Napoleon je pretrpeo poraz. Isto će viti sa Hitlerom!
Napoleon suffered defeat. The same will be with Hitler!

"Ko god krene na nas sa mačem, od mača će i umreti!" - Aleksandar Nevski
"Whoever comes to us with the sword, will die by the sword!" - Alexander Nevski

"Bolja je i časna smrt od sramnog života!" - Dm. Donskoi
"Better honorable death, than shameful life!" - (Dm. Donskoi)

"Neka vas hrabre slike naših velikih predaka inspirišu!" - Josif Staljin
"Let courageous image of our great ancestors inspire you!" - Joseph Stalin

Porazi neprijatelja kao što je poražen od očeva i braće - mornara Oktobra!
Beat up the enemy as it was beaten up by fathers and brothers, the Navy sailors of October!

Staljin je veličina našeg vremena! Staljin je zastava naših pobeda!
Stalin is a greatness of our time! Stalin is a banner of our victories!