Please Write in English

Day 1,065, 19:48 Published in New Zealand United Kingdom by Devoid

Hi all, I just wanted to make a quick point.

eNew Zealand is a wonderfully diverse country. We have people in this country from all over the world. RL New Zealand, Australia, America, France, Croatia, Serbia, Brazil, Colombia, South Korea, the list goes on. I love this.

However, there is something that needs to be kept in mind. New Zealand is an English speaking country. For people who claim to want to be a part of this community, it is greatly disrespectful to come here and post articles in a different language. Nobody is going to judge you if your English isn't perfect (and if they do, all the cool people will yell at them). But it is very important that people keep in mind the culture of the place they're living, and to post articles in a different language that very few people here understand, will only divide us.

Please vote and comment if you agree with these sentiments, and want to see the eNew Zealand media entirely in English.

- Devoid