
Day 863, 22:54 Published in Austria Austria by Stoneman
The Reconstruction President

I've decided to run this election after a lot of pressure from various places. I've been working in the Austrian government for months now. I've seen a lot of people come and go, and lots of work being done. I can tell you what was working before the PTO and what was needed to be fixed.

I know I'm not the most well-known member of the Austrian government. However, I've fought for this country for a long time now, and know the insides of the government and our recent history from having been in the thick of things for a while. After my long tenure at the ACB, I'm well-trusted. The fact is if I was going to steal anything or hurt the country, I could have done it a very long time ago.

I have very few enemies in the country, if any. I don't want to claim I can unite everybody, but I sure as heck won't divide people as much as the other candidates. I think as much unity as we can muster is very important right now.

I know what challenges this country will face in rebuilding right now. I can list a series of reforms I want to implement. It's one thing to say it, it's another to do it. However, this is an opportunity to do a few things, and do them right.

Reconstruction and Reconciliation
We've had a lot of people prove themselves in this country lately. Only it doesn't stop here. This is a great opportunity to open the country and let it grow. I think I wan to let things grow on their own. There's a lot to do.

Pick up a shovel and get busy. We have a country to rebuild. We have the ability to do it. This can be a large government where people have the chance to advance.

On the Current Race
We're not going to let a PTO take over this country. The first thing we're doing about that is having a Real Goddamned Race. I hope to hell that BobbySAURON stays in the race. We need a real race with real options.

At first I was hoping we could all get behind one candidate. Now I've decided we need 2 candidates, because have to be able to choose between 2 authentic candidates.

I'm not scared of a PTO. I guarantee we've seen worse than any PTO they can pull off right now.


The military we have access to is small, but an important part of our development. I think Prince has done a great job with this program, and his willingness to continue military reforms is important in our nation's progress and our image in the world.

The development of an able military can assist us in creating alliances in the eWorld. The amount we can contribute in any battle will begin to make an even bigger difference in V2.


As you probably know, this is my strongpoint. I've worked on government finances for a long time. I know what's worked and not worked about them. Turning around the way government finances works is a hard job, and I have a roadmap ahead for it.

We got hit really hard recently when Hedera stole the treasury right from under my nose. However, we're on our way to recovery. We've already managed to get a nice disbursement from war spoils and I didn't realize it, but we got a nice chunk of ATS after we lost our regions and started over again. So, we're fragile, but on our way back

I'm committed to the breakup of our finances into different areas and funds, with dispersed access. The goal will be to create a better long-term financial position where we can better protect our currency, and structure government spending and saving for our real goals.

I'm in the process of recruiting a strong financial team to assist with implementing this with me overseeing the process across all government departments.

The economic structure of Austria will be a critical issue to consider in V2. There is bound to be a lot of discussion about this going forward, and I plan to lay some groundwork for these considerations in the upcoming month.

Foreign Policy

This is one of the biggest concerns of the nation right now. Coming out of this very turbulent war, we have a very challenging dance ahead of us. We have learned a lot about who has our best interests in mind lately and who we can reach out to.

The eRep foreign policy map is changing quickly. We need to consider very hard how we are going to fit into a new world order. And we need to consider how Austria can protect itself as well as possible within this order.

One thing I can promise you. I will work hard to get the best deal for Austria possible.

War Games, Hospitals and Other Campaign Promises

I promise these will be high priorities. I also promise I will not break the bank on building a hospital we might lose in 2 weeks.

The same goes with Training Wars. The priority for health via TWs isn't so high now. However, they're an important part of our military and economic development. On the other hand, I'm not going to break the bank right now for TWs. We're in a fragile state financially. Savings has to become a large priority.

Maybe that's not the populist answer every president gives, but it's the one that honestly reflects our current situation.

Again, I hope I can start to deliver all of these things soon, but responsibility is my number one priority.

Baby Boom

I want to deliver eAustria to as many dedicated rlAustrians as possible. I think it's important to reach out to as many as possible and clutivate a sense that eAustria is a place for rlAustrians, as well as the diverse group of people that has populated eAustria up till now.

Granted, I am not rlAustrian. However, I have lived in Austria, read and talk in German (my writing isn't great, so I do get help translating into German), know Austrian history and literature and studied at the Uni.

I consider this cabinet a starting point. I want to bring more people into government. I'm ready to discuss government positions with anybody, and I trust my cabinet to make good appointments. Here's the thing, I'm going to keep the purse strings tight for now. We don't have much money, and we have to establish trusting relationships with that money. So, we're moving carefully.

Chief of Staff

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Secretary of Foreign Affairs

Minister of Finance (technically appointed by the council, but I will recommend to replace me)

Budget Director
Kenji Fujimoto

Tax Officer

Minister of Defense
Prince of Austria

Secretary of Defense

Minister of Education
Teh Famzay

Minister of Translation

Minister of Health

Minister of Justice

Minister of Intelligence

Outreach Officer