Plans For Interstate Highway System In Place

Day 741, 21:01 Published in USA USA by Dodgercatcher

Hello and welcome to a serious article (or as serious as I can get). This plan has been going in my mind for a long time and I have finally been able to put it into something that makes sense so please enjoy. I would also like to ask you to please silence your cell phones during the feature presentation.

The Layout
The Highway Interstate System (name subject to change) is an anti-domestic PTO force set up to combat potential threats to our nation's security through elections. It consists of volunteer members that are willing to put aside party politics and vote where their vote is really needed, not necessarily where their party is targeting.

The Groundwork
The surveying and initial grading has already begun on the Interstate by mass PMing select states with the opportunity to volunteer. This will hopefully continue in full force until the IHS is complete and is ready for use.

New Maps
Some of you may be thinking how this might be possible, or why would anyone do this? The answer is simple, they want change on the political scene. They want to ensure that our government is safe from spies and corruption of our country's government.

How Do I Join?
Just PM myself (DC) and let me know! I'll respond asap with information on it and you could be on your way to helping a cause greater than yourself. Join today and be a part of our groundwork, and a brighter future.

Your's Truly,
DC - (insertofficialtitlehere)