PINOs: Peace Members in Name Only

Day 617, 16:15 Published in United Kingdom Austria by Albert Neurath

The eUK is proud of joining PEACE, am I correct? Well then, I must say that you have a lot to learn about this alliance.

One of the principle tenets of PEACE is its commitment to help each and every country in PEACE, no matter what the problem is, to the best of its ability. Most of PEACE right now is off fighting a war; one that the eUK government is not engaging in directly. All you are doing is garrisoning some barely populated Canadian regions; not much of a chore at all. Yet you characteristically refused to assist a fellow PEACE country, Thailand, against a TO by Romanians during the Congressional elections?

You call yourselves PEACE members?

I know you just turned traitor against Fortis and joined PEACE, but you seem to not have fully realized that when you join us you assist in the responsibility of defending us. That includes PTOs. You were doing nothing when my country was attacked, nor were you helping the armies in the field. Instead, you have let EDEN soldiers get a foot into the backside of Indonesia right where they can do a lot of damage to a nation that is supposedly your ally. If you were fighting in the war, then it would be understandable that you could not help us. As a loyal PEACE member, I understand that. You, however, were doing nothing active for the war effort and could easily have helped us stave off assault. As a matter of fact, so unhelpful for us were you that I actually had to contact Fortis for help! Fortis! At least they were polite enough to send a few people over to help us!

We in Thailand must have put a billion ads out telling the world what we were up against. No help came from you whatsoever.

Congratulations, eUK. Thanks for nothing.

Albert Neurath, President of Thailand