Personal Endorsement of Civil Anarchy for PoTUS

Day 1,257, 07:10 Published in USA USA by Silas Soule

I recommend voting for Civil Anarchy for President of the eUSA on May 5th.


The man is machine.

One of the most active eRepperrs you'll encounter, Civil Anarchy is a player.

He knows the game inside and out. I mean that literally. Civ is a master mechanic of the game in all spheres, and he initiated the Apollo Program to evangelize eRep across the Internet Universe.

I can't speak to the work he did with the USWP and the Feds, but I can testify that Civil Anarchy personally engineered the largest growth spurt in the SFP's history -- twice!

His graphic sense and writing skills convey his keen sense of fun and imagination.

Things will not be dull with Civil Anarchy as President. His articles are always full of great ideas, sharp style and imaginative graphics.

The guy has a wonderful sense of balance.

A veteran, Civ knows his way around the metagame like a pro. He hobnobs with the Old Guard without hesitation. But he always has time to chat with new players, answer questions and encourage others to excel.

If anyone wants to call him an "trrrbl elitist", that's your choice. But I'd rebut anyone who insists on using that kind of language that if Civ is an "elitist", then he is in fact the "rainy sunday" type of humanitarian and revolutionary elitist: hard-working, dedicated, always has time for people, reaches out to all types of players and has a fine sense of humor.

If that's elitism, then we need more of that kind of elitism, not less.

In my experience, it is always worthwhile talking to Civil Anarchy because he is passionate and intelligent about politics.

Whether it's an in-game or out-of-game topic, you'll part a conversation with Civ feeling like you've got something interesting to think about.

And that's refreshing.

Last but not least, he is super-sexy!

Oh wait, wrong picture. That was me having a debate with a certain gooey blob of cheese.

Here we go. I have it on good authority that this is a picture of Civ on a bad day...

We all know that eRep desperately needs more hot babes. Having Civ's awesome sex appeal emanating from the White House will create a winning situation on that score.

So it looks like there will be plenty of fine candidates for PoTUS this time around. Please pay attention and vote smart. But in my humble opinion, there's no better choice than the people's candidate: Civil Anarchy!

Revolt with style! Civil Anarchy for President!
