Perfect Sense

Day 1,881, 06:17 Published in China Romania by googoodoll

Coloana sonora

Un nume genial pentru un film genial, realizat de regizorul David Mackenzie si scenaristul Kim Fupz Aakeson in care actorii principali Eva Green si Ewan McGregor au evoluat impresionant.

Pelicula este o metafora perfecta a evolutiei sau mai degraba a involutiei relatiilor interumane, a aprecierii/lipsei de apreciere a celor mai simple daruri ale vietii, simturi, perceptii, imagini, amintiri legate de arome,apropierii de fiintele iubite sau macar apropiate in cel mai frust mod.

Doi oameni se indragostesc in timpul izbucnirii unei pandemii ciudate.
Intr-o zi banala, haosul erupe. Nu erupe ca un vulcan, erupe insidios, mai intai cu cateva cazuri disparate, de oameni care dupa o criza de depresie profunda isi pierd simtul olfactiv, dar in curand se generalizeaza, si nimeni nu mai are simtul mirosului. Unii o percep ca pe o tragedie, altii gasesc partea buna a lucrurilor. Dupa un timp, aceleasi scenariu produce pierderea gustului, dupa un episod de foame exacerbata. Apoi o criza de furie si dispare auzul, pentru ca in final, o acuta nevoie de apropiere spre cei dragi sa preceada pierderea vazului.
Filmul nu continua cu pierderea simtului tactil, o infima speranta ramasa in intunericul deplin.

Astea sunt vorbe, simple vorbe, trebuie sa vedeti filmul, sa SIMTITI, cu ochiul, cu urechea, cu sufletul, cu imaginatia.

Ca de obicei, cateva replici, dar n-am sa le pun in gura nimanui, sunteti inteligenti, va veti imagina singuri.

Susan: There was darkness. There is light. There are men and women. There's food. There are restaurants. Disease. There's work. Traffic. The days as we know them, the world as we imagine the world.

Susan: They call it Severe Olfactory Syndrome, SOS.

Michael:But you were just like all the others,
don't you think that you matter 'cause you don't,
you're nothing, you're just passing time.

Narrator:There are two movements now;
there are people who run on the streets and grabbing all they can,
people believe, but at the end of the world.
Then there's the other movement... soldiers reporting for duty.
Those who believe that life will go on somehow,
or just don't know what else to do.

Narrator😛eople prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.
They concentrate to the things that are important to them..
all the things beyond fat and flower.

Susan: It's dark now. But they feel each others' breath. And they know all they need to know. They kiss. And they feel each others' tears on their cheeks. And if there had been anybody left to see them, then they would look like normal lovers, caressing each others' faces, bodies close together, eyes closed, oblivious to the world around them. Because that is how life goes on. Like that.