Penguin For The CPF PP!

Day 1,027, 10:38 Published in Canada Canada by Lord Penguin

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Hello I’m James The Penguin McNamara, and I’m here to tell you about my platform for the CPF PP. Now critics would say that I’m not going to do anything, this based on a post I made in the CPF forums about Congress Activity.

The fact about Congress was, As I stated in my platform, I was not going to do anything, I promised anyone who voted for me that I was only in for the gold, and I was going to use that gold to kill red coats. And that is exactly what I did. I kept my campaign promises, I did exactly what I said I would do.

Now however for my CPF platform it’s going to look very different. Let’s take a look, shall we.

The Praetors
I am already in progress with reviving the Praetors, working on the back stage stuff as I like to, my plans for it are not going to be realised but, what I will say, is They Will be Back

I’ll say it right now, I find congress boring, part of the reason why I run on a ‘I’m not doing anything’
Platform, but there are people who like congress, and as PP I will make sure I run people who will be active for the most part, but once all of them are in the running, then I will fall back on the people who are in it for the money. (You know like real politicians)

I hope to have at least 6 people in congress, that’s a realistic goal for me and one I can attain, as for what I wish, I hope that we can get 10 people into congress.

This doesn’t all weigh on me, the Party President is only the figure head, and he can only do so much, the main thing is the people, getting the CPF Active and willing to give their vote to the party, which for us means getting, more people active, and in on the CPF Community.

New Player
Right now, what incentive, or what way does the CPF get people to come to our party. None that I see, I see no adds, I see the ‘sign in’ thread on our forums dry like the desert, and I can’t tell if we even are sending out PMs to new players.

So what do we do, it’s only half the battle to get them to join, the other half is keeping them there, and one way I to do this, is to offer incentives.

Why? Simple, people look out for number one first, and if they can get something for themselves, then they are certainly more likely to come and check us out, and when they do they will see the CPF Community. Speaking of which. . .

Our Community
When you look at our forums, and go into general chat, what do you see? Well me, I’m not being pompous, because I hate that, and that is what you see. I go onto the forums every, most times more than once.

What the CPF needs right now, is something to work for, a housing program or something of the like. We need something to rally around and work towards as a group, what is this something? I have a few ideas.

We all like to recognized for our work, for what we do, there is no better way to make someone fuzzy inside then to say to the world. “Hey everyone, this guy here, he did a great job” which is what I want to do, the CPF has some great people in it, and they do a lot of work, I see them do it just for the CPF. It warms my heart.

So In my term what I plan on doing is giving these people a pat on the back, give them their shout out, for without them the CPF would be a darker place.

Some Lulz
Ok look I’m going to be level with you right now, I like some lulz, and my lulz for my one term is going to be renaming the CPF to the CPF.

Confused? Good.

For one or two days, I’ll change Progressive to Penguin.

Nothing more nothing less, if I’m elected let me have my little lulz.

In my opinion, if there is no lulz then you are a prune.

Wrap Up
So that is a lot of what I’m going to be doing, there is more, as with me there always is, to find out what that will be, lend me your trust, and I’ll give it back to you with interest.

And one final note to those who are worried about my abilities and if I’m going to do anything, just take a look at The Bank of Penguin, in 20 days, I have went from no companies and 0 gold to 147.4 gold (more now, but wait for the report) and 2 companies.

Thank you and have a nice day
James ‘The Penguin’ McNamara