PEACE's Last Gasp?

Day 722, 21:53 Published in Indonesia Bolivia by Arjay Phoenician

As Indonesia followed through with their declaration of war with Malaysia and invaded about an hour ago, at the same time, other warmongering PEACE nations have initiated attacks around the world. Russia invaded North Korea, Serbia went after Croatia, and Hungary attacked Poland. Numerous resistance wars popped up in occupied regions in Eastern Europe.

Now I know why our friend GLaDOS left Japan, resigned his seat in Congress, and moved to Far East Russia.

Once upon a time, a multipronged offensive would strike fear throughout the world.

Tonight, it seems like the last gasp of a desperate collection of warmongering countries, trying to keep PEACE together through the only means they know: mindless assault.

In recent days, a new charter has been circulating through the PEACE world, apparently being pushed on the rest of the alliance by the more aggressor states. The diplomatic verbage is dropped in this draft, and the pretense of a “defensive alliance” gives way to the more bellicose language of “destruction of our foes”. According to numerous and corroborating sources from literally around the world, the new charter will create a sort of caste system within the alliance; no more equality, no more talk about evenly distributing the spoils of war, for under the new charter, the aggressor nations will take the lion’s share, and those who do not engage in war with the same enthusiasm, those who joined PEACE solely so PEACE wouldn’t invade them, will have to pay the military giants to continue to protect them.

How Mafioso of them.

We’re starting to see PEACE fracture as we speak, because of the new charter, coupled with this new worldwide conflict. Italy is rumored to have quit the alliance, having been frustrated by the Security Council choosing to attack the US instead of doing their job to assist them in fending off a PTO this summer. France is pretty much out as well, having signed an MPP with Malaysia and taking a stand against Indonesia; considering how many countries within Sol are also members of PEACE, you will see a lot of PEACE fighting PEACE. In the near future, expect more defections, countries trying to pull PEACE back to its original defensive intent now have this new charter in one hand and a world full of war in the other, completely destroying their hope.

In recent months, the UK voted the established PEACE elite out of office after a failed invasion of Sweden. Japan has had to deal with ultimatums and potential PTO’s and account theft, all with PEACE directly or indirectly involved. The alliance nearly talked Colombia into invading their AHA neighbor, Peru, and thankfully, their Congress came to their senses and voted down their declaration of war. In Austria, factions seeking neutrality won the presidency over proPEACE parties by a single vote. Everywhere around the world, you see the fractures. All they need to split wide open is a charter seeking to validate the worst the alliance has to offer, and a couple of bullying nations taking over and using the other members to fund their war machine, all with the façade of defense stripped away.

Now, one of the common comments I get is, Arjay, war is fun, this is what this world is all about, we make this world worth coming to. While I agree war is AN aspect of this game, it is not THE aspect. Those in Indonesia who act selfishly have essentially killed PEACE, and it’s hard to foresee the country continuing to act aggressively without the massive alliance superstructure supporting them. Should PEACE die, and with a drained military (many Indonesians gave up as they were retreating from North America), will it be possible for the country to continue to have their “fun” at other people’s expense.

Quite truly, Indonesian selfishness will be one major reason why PEACE fragments and dies.

Perhaps it is premature to talk about a world without PEACE, but should this truly be the death spasm of what was once a large and potent empire, it will validate the belief that the superalliance concept needs to be abandoned. It will be an opportunity for many nations to rethink their place in the world. The massive war machine that was PEACE will no longer be there to intimidate and force new and small countries to join or face annihilation. Truly, such countries should not swap one master for another, for PEACE’s demise is not EDEN’s victory. PEACE will have slit their own throats. It was their bureaucrats who wrote a new and warlike charter. It was their Security Council that proved incapable of reining in their wilder elements. It was the governments of their client nations which felt the fun of war was more important than the solidarity of alliance. EDEN has nothing to do with PEACE’s hubris choking the empire to death.

Unfortunately for the world, when PEACE has internal issues, the rest of us have to deal with their tantrums.

As far as I’m concerned, PEACE currently consists of four aggressor nations. That’s it. Sooner or later, the rest are going to fall away when they realize their continuance in the alliance will only be as peasants serving their warring overlords. When countries have to start paying for their protection, they’ll start to reconsider their options. Those which were already low on PEACE’s pecking order will most likely quit in disillusion.

War in and of itself is not fun. Victory is fun. Building something is fun. Losing and watching your work destroyed is not fun. People quit this game when things don’t go their way. Many Indonesians quit when the US was pushing them back across the Pacific. They weren’t having fun. Don’t kid yourselves. It’s a lie to say war is what makes this world go round. Victory lights up the sky, and loss casts long shadows. Should all this come to pass, and tonight’s invasions is truly the death knell for PEACE, it’s going to be because you thought only of yourselves, and not about the alliance. Your fun came at the expense of what was once a great and feared empire. PEACE had to fragment, just so you could have that fun.

So you better enjoy this, a lot of people around the world are being effected, just so you can have your little fun.