PEACE Global Community Secretary-General Nicolae Carpathia condemns President and Congress of Romania

Day 282, 13:34 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Secretary-General of the PEACE
For Immediate Release
August 28, 2008

PEACE Global Community Secretary-General Nicolae Carpathia condemns President and Congress of Romania

Early this morning, President Alex Craciun convened the Romanian Congress to vote on a proposal to declare war on Hungary, an act that both confirms allied intelligence reports and exemplifies the aggressive intentions of, at the least, the Spanish and Romanian axis of the ATLANTIS treaty.

This world must not sit still as Romania and Spain continue their imperialist agendas. A world of the powerful few must not be tolerated. A world of the powerful few must not come to pass. It is the duty of the peaceful many to present a strong and unified opposition to this unjust war. It is the duty of the peaceful many to raise their voices in a unified cry to let this world know that such actions will not be accepted any longer.

The PEACE Global Security Council, directed by these peaceful many and galvanized in their resolve to pursue peace in good faith, in conjunction with the newly elected Secretary-General Nicolae Carpathia, hereby declares the following:

- The PEACE Global Community declares Romania to be a rogue nation and hereby demands the withdrawal of all military or economic support to that nation from Member Nations.
- The PEACE Global Community calls upon Argentina, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada to join their voices with the peaceful many in protest of the aggressive and imperialist actions taken this past week by Spain and Romania. We call upon these nations to take measures either to eject these nations from ATLANTIS or to withdraw from that alliance in united protest against the aggressive actions taken by Spain and Romania.
- The PEACE Global Community hereby declares defensive war upon Romania. This declaration shall stand until Romania ceases its attacks upon Hungary and the PEACE Global Community.

It is our hope that this conflict can be resolved quickly and without bloodshed. It is our expectation that it will not be. We are disappointed, but not surprised, by this turn of events.

It is time for this world to unite around a common purpose. It is time for this world to unite and demand peace. It is time for this world to come together for prosperity and plenty, not destruction and damnation.

PEACE at Home. PEACE in the World.

Nicolae Carpathia
Secretary-General of the Global Community