PEACE GC's New Role

Day 751, 11:17 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard

What has become of the formerly so mighty PEACE Global Community? Everyone knows that it has devolved into but a shadow of its past statue and that its strongest members along with their lapdogs have since joined PHOENIX. But what role does PEACE still play in the eWorld? Let us have a look.

Pointing out the obvious, most of PEACE's members are weak and small. Only five of them (France, Mexico, Japan, Bulgaria and Argentina) have a population greater than 1000, Venezuela does not even exist on the map. Likewise, with the exception of France and Japan they're insufficiently secured by MPPs, often lacking even a single one. Their economies are mostly poor, and if not for them being highly uninteresting they could not withstand even a small attack from one of their neighbours.

And yet this card house of an alliance still holds a central position in today's eWorld - It has become the shield of the major alliances of EDEN and PHOENIX, or the very opposite: an obstacle. Ignoring Spain's attack on France which was probably just the Hispanics longing for revenge or merely getting bored, without any tactical reasoning whatsoever, EDEN's other recent assaults on PEACE countries are evident of this.


For once, we have the United States of America's failed attack on the Empire of Japan. Since it has been mentioned numerous times already from official and unofficial sources alike, it's not worth pointing out that it served the gaining of access to the Chinese mainland so the USA would be able to drive out the Iranians and Hungarians holding high iron regions in China, probably to secure at least one for themselves, by means of rent or otherwise.

Japan denying them passage may have cemented its neutrality, but it also suddenly brought it to the centre of a conflict we will probably see more of in the future. PHOENIX, now alerted by the threat posed by the USA, has shown that it will henceforth fortify the islands as its shield for their precious High iron regions, and EDEN is unlikely to give up this easily. But while PHOENIX's protection ensures that Japan won't have to worry about its defence against USA invasion attempts in the future, it also remains a danger. Before the war, Russia had already proposed that North Korea could capture the empire up to Kyushu to repel the American attack; I'm sure that in an emergency, the alliance would execute such a plan even if Japan protested.


I assume a few others will agree with me when I say that when I initially saw that Romania was attacking Bulgaria I became a bit confused. Why would anyone attack such an unseemly country? Bulgaria has in it past rarely ever drawn attention to itself, especially not in more recent times. Neither does it possess any noteworthy resources or military strength. It was not until I took a look at the map that I realised the meaning of this move.

The importance of Bulgaria bordering Turkey must have eluded me. This would also explain why Hungary and now Serbia as well as spending such a lot of resources on protecting this small, easy to overlook country - It would be a gateway to the Bosporus, enabling Romania to access the Turkish border. Either to aid Greece and Israel whom the Ottomans have constantly bothered for months now, or to march right through it to attack Iran, possibly as part of EDEN's Asian campaign which also includes the liberation or occupation of the Iranian-held regions in China and India.


It may not be a matter at the moment, and due to both alliances seeming to focus on Asia it might not be for a while, but in the future we could see Hungary trying to overrun the country again to access Switzerland or, depending on what side it will sway towards, Italy.

PEACE GC may have lost its power, but not its relevance. On the contrary, its members have become more than before the centre of wars and conflicts. What history has in spare for this small alliance has yet to be seen, as does the path which it will take. Will PEACE be content with becoming the proxy of EDEN and PHOENIX? Will it enjoy the security which comes along with at least one super-alliance holding the continued existence of some of its members in a high priority? Time will tell...