PE (Day 1,093) - The Day After

Day 1,093, 07:22 Published in USA USA by Pony Express

Welcome to the newest edition of...

The Pony Express

Director’s note:Congratulations to all of the newly elected Party Presidents! I expect to see a lot of good media coming to be able to update this with. Also, submissions are still open for new media, so please send! Stay frosty.

Latest DoD Orders -- Go get em, tiger.

Top Media
Media Idol and Arm America -- The WHPR brings you the status of two huge government programs: the new Media Idol competition for the Eagles Network, and the Arm America food program. A must read!

Button, Button, Who's Got the Button? -- A bit of musing about admin's decision to remove the election day voting button by media master CRoy.

New Citizen Art of War -- Blank Keating again brings us a fabulous Education article about what new players can do to tank up and rank up.

Rod Damon's Guide to Knickers -- Rod Damon provides the nation with a sensible guide to what's beneath women's clothes.

To Eugene Harlot -- Cromstart reflects upon a international legend.

6th Party Announcement -- Cool Guy Candor gives us the low down on just what will be happening with NoS and RAGE.

Market Report -- PigInZen brings us helpful information on the current market trends in America.

Remember Sumatra with the Training Corps -- The Training Corps brings us a gritty tale of that fateful day in the jungles of Southeast Asia.

Emotions Run Wild -- Avec brings us some musings about how emotions factor into playing this game of ours.

New Media
News Not-So Daily by 3b5991 -- With a numbered name and a courageous heart, 3b5991 blazes his own path. One of the younger people to run for POTUS in recent memory, America should keep its eyes on this guy.

The Blanc Report by Michael Blanc -- A player who shows a lot of interest and promise, Michael Blanc's media is certainly an interesting perspective, and quite funny.

Through a Glass, Clearly by Iasov -- Certainly not new, but definitely underappreciated, Iasov is one of the more thoughtful players I know. His recent return to the Libertarian Front is a huge cause for celebration. I know I missed them.

Thank for reading and voting! And as always, send article recommendations, tips, and suggestions to The Pony Express!

Director, Pony Express
US Department of Media