PDS: NE Proposal to Indonesia and Other House Resolutions

Day 1,186, 04:17 Published in Philippines China by Paul Delos Santos

Today, indielfi proposes a Natural Enemy Proposal to Indonesia. Our good neighbor Indonesia wants to go to South America, and asked us to let them pass for this occasion.

Why are we letting them pass anyway? Well, even if we don't want to, they'll just declare NE to us and force their way too. But since they are good neighbors, they have let us know first their intentions to pass. We will also get the NE bonus in training, so free STR is a good thing. Also, they will shoulder all resistance wars that needs to be taken. They will make sure that these RWs are won for our side. And it is better than being wiped out. Pretty cool eh.

As for our congress, we have a lot of House Resolution discussions going on the forums. To serve our country better, please do your part and participate in these discussions.

That's all for now. Any questions, give me a mail or chat with me on IRC.