PCP Update – We March On

Day 615, 03:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Stan Wephen

Hello PCP,

My apologies for not talking to you before – it has, as it always is, been a hectic time in the eUK. Nonetheless, that is not an excuse, and I will make sure I put the PCP above all else.

Stan Wephen back as Party President

Yes, as I'm sure you're aware, I am once again the PP of the PCP. I'm proud to take this role on again, and will do my best as I always have.

It may interest you to learn that with this election, I have been PP of the PCP more than any other person, even Ip Lockard and KIA Sneak! Although I can't claim to be anywhere near as talented as the Lockard brothers, I'm nonetheless proud to stand alongside them.

So, here's a short 4-point plan for what I want to achieve:

1 � PCP MP Reports

With the setting up of the CCC (Congress Checking Committee) and various other procedures, we want to make sure YOU are getting the most out of YOUR PCP representatives. All PCP MPs will be required to describe in some detail how they voted in the HoC and why. It's important for democracy that we know what our MPs are doing.

2 � A New Economic Policy

When standing alongside other economic plans such as 'The Socialist Challenge' by Iain Keers, it appears clear the PCP required one of its own. That is why I promise, by the end of my term as PP, we will by fully into the writing of a NEP, and hopefully even finish it.

3 � International Cooperation

With new building left-wing organisations such as the Internationale, the PCP is looking to take a leading role as one of the largest far-left political parties in the eWorld. We are currently looking at their constitution, and making changes as we speak. The PCP will progress beyond the national, and onto the international stage.

4 � Party President Debates

I have personally challenged each and every PP of the other parties to ideological and policy debates. It is time for the PCP to show how very different and individual it is to other parties. It is hoped such debates will help the citizens of the eUK see the differences between us and other parties. Expect the logs of these debates to be releases shortly – the current debate is on the ideal eUK.

Congress Elections

Admittedly, the congress elections did not go as well as hoped for the PCP. This is mostly down to our members being in the paras and fighting abroad. Nonetheless, I'm proud to say we have 8 representatives in the House of Commons. They are:

Sir Digby Chicken-Caeser
Johnobrow Dadds
Autochthon Scion

This is an excellent group of MPs we're sending the congress this month, and I'm proud to give them my full support over the coming month.

PCP Member: Johnobrow Dadds

Yes, I'm brining this back to show the exemplary action of one PCP member. This issue it is

Johnobrow Dadds

This comrade is quite possible one of the most resilient and hard-working PCP members I've come across since my absence. He single-handedly led the congress elections whilst I was on holiday, has worked on policy initiative after policy initiative, is leading the PCP contingent in the Internationale and overall is one of the central leading members in the PCP. Well done Johnobrow Dadds – your efforts have not gone unnoticed.

Join the Forums

The forums is where it is at. Http://forums.erepublik.co.uk. Join the forums in order to make a difference in the eUK – for example, did you know we choose the PCP PP purely on the forum instead of an in-game vote? Make sure to join and help build a socialist utopia.

What does PCP stand for?

If you're still unsure about what the PCP stands for, look on our wikipedia page on http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/PCP. We still have a Constitution that shows pretty much what we believe in.

Well, that's that for this PCP Update. If you still have any questions to ask, please contact me. Stay strong comrades.

Stan Wephen
Party President of the People's Communist Party.
Let's Make the eUK Better. Together.