Pay and Gain

Day 1,871, 03:16 Published in Norway Norway by Jochen Lutz

Read the president's Good-bye-article

Hello, dear readers!

Firstly I want to express my disappointment of the retirement of our current president and wish him all the best! Keeping aside his failures we must value his efforts in the last months and remember him with good. I only hope that he will come back one day and join us again.

Then I want to set the point of the following. As we all know, new elections are coming in 2 days, this time for the presidency of the country. I cannot approve or criticise any of the candidates yet and I do not want to. The object of my article will focus on something else - a recommendation to the new head of the state and their government, no matter who they are going to be. It is about economics - a word, even pronounced hard in a small nation like ours but a major aspect of the game that we should not underestimate.

I am sure that every one of us possesses at least a few factories and produces goods, even if not hiring workers, by himself. Of course, not all of them are for every day personal use - some must be sold and that would be their only application for the producer. But what happens on our market, if the goods are not the highest quality? They are simply not to be bought, remaining useless and unneeded, making the work even harmful.

I will continue with an example of my own. I hired 2 very young players as workers. I will not say that they stopped working and playing in 2 days, because that is not the point, but I will try to explain what I mean. I pay salary - not much, but according to eNorways standards. They produce q1 weapons. I sell them on the market, but the offer remains unspotted, in spite of being fairly cheap. I know, that the low quality weapons are not being used that often and I cannot expect some one here to buy them, but in other of the biggest lands in eRepublik they are being sold as every other product. I do not have the license to sell worldwide, what would be to expensive for me, but some other older players in eNorway do.

My wish is the next president to think about this problem and solve it at least partly somehow. Is it not possible for those "licensed" players to set a prise and buy the unsaleable goods here to export them abroad? This will make every single worker useful, without a loss for anybody. And it will bring more cash for eNorway, both for the smaller producers and for the powerful traders.

And if not as a vital economic campaign, at least as a support for the younger ones it will be great! Do something about it, otherwise half of eNorway's labour becomes useless. Do it, and you will have my approval, as well as of many others, I believe... Otherwise you will only mar the economics' part of this game and know that if the battles are won on the front, by soldiers, the wars are won far back behind the lines, by the country's resources and its economic power. Think about it, you will not sorry...

Thank you and I hope I have been heard!