Patriots & Traitors

Day 1,194, 13:29 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut

The America I believe in is one which stands by our friends and allies and protects the interests of its citizens. I have recently learned that the American government knowingly allowed in a political take-over group of Turkish origin and then made a deal with them to hold a large portion of the US Congress. Have we grown so weak that we must barter and deal with those who threaten the security of this nation?

It is a good thing I returned when I did because America needs strong leadership. We have traitors in our midst at the very highest levels of our government. I for one will NOT tolerate the political security of this nation to be jeopardized by these sorts of backroom deals in smoke-filled rooms. It's time that the people of this nation put an end to this sort of corruption and take a stand!

I am proud to be an American. I am proud to stand by our allies the Greeks who have been persecuted and treated with the most abhorrent cruelty by those whom the government now coddles and claims to be no threat to our national security and some sort of partner in this new, frightening America.

For those of you who wonder why people might say the things they do about me.... much of it has to do with the fact that I say it how it is. I call a spade a spade. When you are being lied to, and manipulated, and your country is being torn apart by the powers that be, I will always stand up and say no... this is not what makes the eUnited States great. This is not what the people want. This can not, will not, and MUST not be tolerated for the sake of our nation's future.

I ask you my friends, vote this article up, shout it out, write your own articles, and STAND with me against this high treason. We must stand by our friends, stay true to our principles, and stand UNITED as Americans in the defense of our native homeland.

Your Servant,
Pizza The Hut
Former Party President
Former Congressman
Former Country Presidential Candidate