
Day 3,805, 18:49 Published in USA Peru by Hazelrah

We've all heard it said before... "Patience is a virtue."

It sounds easy enough until things are uncomfortable, we are anxious, and we yearn for change.

Only then, do we truly understand the full gravity of the virtue.

Lady Liberty is experiencing trying times. She has been overpowered. She has been outspent. She has been outplayed. She has been wiped.

I hope, like me, you're upset. I hope, like me, you're angry. I hope, like me, you are frustrated. I hope, like me, you yearn for change. We expect better for ourselves. We must learn from our mistakes.

I hope for these things because they are a sign of competitive drive. These things suggest we still have pride and still want to fight. They suggest we still have high expectations for this nation. They suggest we would rather be the ones free to support our allies than the ones having to ask for their support. We will be that again.

And yet, it is easy in our frustration to turn on each other. It is easy to look for someone to blame, for something to be critical of, for a reason to be angry at ourselves rather than the enemies who put us in this position.

Have we become so accustomed to safety and quarreling amongst ourselves that we have forgotten how to unite, trust and support our leaders, and make them look good with our united and organized gameplay?!

We cannot afford to become restless, impatient, and impulsive. Our mission is to unite and prepare.

This attack on our sacred regions took months and months of quiet planning and organizing to put us in such a compromising position. Our response will require the same.

I implore you, BE PATIENT, for this too shall pass. 

In the meantime, if you need support... don't be afraid to ask your fellow Americans for support. If you are available to help, don't be afraid to ask "Where can I help?" If you have an idea, don't be so afraid of criticism or ridicule that you fail to share your idea. We've all had bad ideas as well as good ones, and we depend on each other to refine our ideas, arrive at the best course of action, and work together to implement it.