Pateticno.../This is just pathetic...[SRB/ENG]

Day 672, 02:19 Published in Serbia Serbia by Srecko Ilic

Moje misljenje o desavanjima u eBosni

Dragi sugradjani eRepublika kao sto znate Bosna je usla u EDEN, naravno to za nas nije nista novo, ali ono sto je izuzetno uvredjujuce i ono sto smo zanemarili, je to sto te osobe koje su ugurale Bosnu u EDEN ocigledno smatraju da eSrbi iz Bosne nisu dovoljno inteligentni, i da ne treba da imaju ikakvog udela u spoljnoj i unutrasnjoj politici eBiH.

Svi smo mi videli clanak predsednika bosne Bekitare-a kako moli EDEN za pomoc jer je nekoliko clanova Elite dobilo drzavljanstvo BiH. E pa sve je to bio paravan za jednu izuzetno podlu akciju ispunjenu mrznjom prema nasoj braci sa druge strane Drine. Verovatno znate da su na proslim izborima eSrbi iz Bosne osvojili 50% kongresa kao i o nemilim dogadjajima koji su se desili posle toga, svako normalan i civilizovan bi rekao "Pa da ako su osvojili 50% ne moze se zanemariti zelja 50% ljudi u Bosni." , e pa Bekitare sa svojim drugarima ne misli tako.

On misli da moze da iskljuci ceo jedan narod iz vlasti, i za to je pozvao EDEN da im pomogne da sprece nekakav "TO" kojeg ocigledno nema niti je trebalo biti, ali kao sto rekoh to im je posluzilo kao lep paravan za unistavanje svega sto ima veze sa eSrbijom u BiH.

Kpcto je izneo jedan clanak koji je dokazao zasto je toliko tuzna situacija u Bosni, i zasto se otvoreno prekrsila neutralnost, i sto je najgore; zasto se vrsi politicka represija prema srpskom stanovnistvu u Bosni. Ti ljudi nista nisu krivi, osim sto su u ocima vladajuceg sloja u eBosni, krivi samo zato sto su eSrbi.

..."hoce da je otmu, hoce da je ruse, oni bi da nestane, hoce da je uguse"...

Ko bi rekao da bi se ovi stihovi obistinili u jednoj igri, ovakav razvoj dogadjaja je bio ocekivan jos odkad su "eBosnjaci" pokusali da promene naziv Istocne i Zapadne Republike Srpske.

E pa draga gospodo prevarili ste se, vi mozda sada mozete da radite sta hocete i da divljate po politickom zivotu eBosne, ali necemo vam zaboraviti ovu izdaju nikada. Mi smo garantovali vasu neutralnost, PEACE vam je dao pristup PEACE GC Wargames-u, PEACE je dozvolio dalji razvitak vaseg stanovnistva, a vi ste ujeli ruku koja vas je hranila.

Setite se vase izdaje kada tamno plava boja bude pisala na eRepublik mapi kada se izabere mapa BiH.

Iskreno ja nisam bio zacudjen kada ste usli u EDEN, to je stavise bilo ocekivano posto ste bili clan Atlantisa, i tokom ovog poslednjeg rata uveliko stajali na stranu E/F alijanse, ocigledno krseci vasu tesko zaradjenu "neutralnost". Ali ove ocigledne politicke represije prema Srpskom zivlju nece proci bez posledica, u to sam siguran.

Mozda gospodo na ovim sada izborima nijedan Srbin nece uci u Kongres zbog vaseg EDEN "ATO" tima, ali ovo vam dugorocno nije odgovaralo.

Uzivajte u vasoj prodanoj slobodi, jer takva sloboda nikad ne traje dugo.


This is just pathetic
My personal opinion about eBosnia

Dear citizens of eRepublik, as you might probably know eBosnia entered EDEN few days ago,violating it's neutrality, but of course that's nothing new for us, as they were members in ex_Atlantis, the thing we forgot about and the thing that is the most insulting, is that persons who pushed Bosnia into EDEN, obviously think that eBosnian Serbs are not inteligent enough, and that they should not have any chance of making a political career in eBosnia simply because they are eSerbs.

We all saw an article written by eBosnian president Bekitare how he begs EDEN for help because few members of Serbian Elite got eBiH citizenship. All of that was a simple trickery for one incredibly twisted and evil plot, filled with hate for our eSerbian brothers on the other side of Drina river, because Bekitare used that event (Citizenship) to show the world that eSerbia is "trying a PTO of eBosnia". You probably know that on the last elections eBosnian Serbs got 50% of the Congress, but also about the ugly events that followed that, everyone normal and civilized would say"Well they got 50% of the Congress, you can't deny 50% of the people to express their opinions" , but Bekitare and his friends doesn't think so.

He thinks that he can delete half of his nation from the record, and that's why he called EDEN to stop "Serbian TO" which never existed, was never funded and never planned., but no it's a nice hooks to destroy everything that has any connections with eSerbia in eBiH.

Kpcto gave you a detailed english explanation on what's happening in eBosnia article which proved how sad is the situation there, and why neutrality was broken, and the worse part; why there is a political repression for the eSerbian minority in eBosnia. Those people are not guilty for anything,except they are eSerbs, and that is just sad.

..."hoce da je otmu, hoce da je ruse, oni bi da nestane, hoce da je uguse"...

Who would say that this part of a song would come to truth in a game, but I'm not surprised, these events were expected from the time when eBosnia tried to change the name of Eastern and Western Srpska Republic.

Dear eBosnian gentlemen, now you can do whatever you want, you can opress minorities and other pro-PEACE parties, but this betrayal- we will never forget. We guaranteed for your neutrality, PEACE gave you access to PEACE WARGAMES , PEACE gave you further development of your people, and you bit the hand that helped you.

I want you to remember this betrayal when dark blue color fills the eMap of eBiH on eRepublic.

I was not surprised when you teamed up with EDEN, i expected that from day one , and during WW3 you openly sided with E/F, breaking your "neutrality" multiple times. But this political opression of eSerbs will not pass without consequences.

Maybe,dear gentlemen, not one eSerb will became a Congressman of his country-eBiH becase of EDEN "ATO" team, but in the long run, this was a very bad move trust me.

Enjoy your sold out freedom, as that kind of freedom never lasted long.

Hvala vam na vremenu./Thank you for your time.

(Don't forget to vote for me 😛 )