Patanjali for CP

Day 3,078, 08:22 Published in India India by Patanjali
Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ


The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next. – Abraham Lincoln

Hello all,

I’m here to announce you my (wanted) candidacy to CP of eIndia.

Sure, many of you do not know me, nor have any idea of what I could do for a better future in this game, for this community. I will try to answer, according to my beliefs regarding this game, to some popular questions that should be asked to a CP candidate.

RL I am from western side of Romania (Transylvania – where vampires live). Still, because a set of coincidences I am addicted to ancient India wisdom (something many of you do not reckon nowadays – sadly).
Saying that I do not pay respect to ancient religion, nor to actual habits, but to a wisdom who seem to be lost (yet is not).

However, my actual plan is to offer (whether I will be elected CP or not) 100 gold prize (10 gold for each winner) for you all who write an article, and promote it to media, web’s, blogs, etc., regarding the might (to be) of eIndia, the glorious moments of it in this game, the bright future we could have here.
Try to document well your writings, to make them logical and full of sense (better than you do with a school homework). Make them convincing, like you are running for the Town Hall of your own city/village.

If you put all your efforts on it, I’m sure the community will reward you even more than I could do.

So, this is my proposal to you.

A lot of work, little gain but huge fame, if you succeed.

Are you worthy for it ? Are you in ?

Meri shubhkaamanaaye aapke saath hai !