Past, Present, and Future of eSA Government

Day 2,217, 21:40 Published in South Africa South Africa by Marmaduke IV

I would like to address the current state of eSA's government, as a longtime eSA citizen, part time Lazokrat, and full time troll.

The governments of Wilpanzer and Grimstone were not only active, but effective in achieving the goals they set out to achieve. When electing a president, we need to continue to look inwards at the hard-working individuals who are here countless days in and out, fighting in the trenches for our country. Not "old geezers" riding the coattails of past accomplishments, unaware of the specifics of our current challenges.

The question now is whether or not this PTO would have occured had the current administration's witchhunt had not undone last months work of negotiations. The current administration is in shambles without a leader and nobody is willing to step into those shoes. Their only direction is to continue following orders that were given over a week ago by a president that is nowhere to be found.

Claudio, who is a douchebag and removed my certified status, said it better than anyone else when he mentioned the key wor😛 "entitled". There is a certain stigma surrounding the word that ultimately links to another wor😛 Elitism.

Why would anyone in their right mind elect someone to be president just two days after they got eSA citizenship? And how, while we have so many people trying to get said citizenship, does this person get to cut in front of the line and ultimately win the presidency? Entitlement.

The witchhunt this administration has started has resulted in the PTO of the Union of Patriots. Now, I have no qualm with Enriche2Ribeiro. In fact, I find his patriotism mouthwatering. But when interviewing a citizen as to why people should vote for Ricky over the obvious PTOer "Mamado resdilmen", the response I received was something about him being the founder of the party. Well, I founded the party that is currently ruled by Lazokrats. Nobody seems to care about that.

So, you don't like it when people join your party and run for PP right away, but when your friend Tenshibo comes to the country and runs for President the next day, that's okay? Like my grandma used to say "That's a pile of horse shit".

The entitlement and elitism are going to tear us apart. Unite behind people that are fighting day in and day out. Look inwards. Hold hands and sing Kumbayah. If we are going to win this war, we need to do it together and not by tearing eachother apart (I'm looking at you MoS and Forum Dictator Al Kazansi).

Excellent article regarding the idea of impeachment:

I can't really support an in-game impeachment as it would result in Skquall becoming CP, but it brings up some good points.

~The Honorable Arch Bishop Dr. Marmaduke Exilious Alphonso IV, Sr, OB/GYN
Religious Scholar, Harvad University
High Lord Captain of the Knights Templar
Master Mason
Creator of Hip Hop Music
Inventor of the Question Mark
British Petroleum Premier Rewards Member (over thirty thousand points)
Future Leader of Lazokracy in Africa